Ooh hi leledada! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful artwork! I love all the energy in the all the detailed lines! With deita and Lor holding your character back, it makes me think this is a scene from ADWVH. Can you tell us a bit more about your MC?
Viewing post in Silly Rogue Doodles inspired by Forum comments
Hi Leledada,
Oh wow! I think that's very impressive artwork for not having practicing for very long. Drawing human figures is challenging and drawing them in a scene together is even more challenging and drawing them interacting (touching) is even more challenging! A very nice effort!
Also I always respect people who navigate English as non-native speakers, as I am pretty terrible at grammar and spelling, despite 1.English is my only language 2.I'm an avid reader who scored perfect on my language test portion of my SATs and yet I'm still this terrible?? LOL!! I'm not even trying to be humble... my copy edits are objectively TRUE mistake after mistakes!
If you don't mind me asking, do you use use some kind of translation tool or are you learning English? Do you usually play/read games in your native language or do you find more games in English?
LOL difficulty level is getting upper and upper by each game XD ım assuming easy one is gacha date normal is the main ADW game (OMG the background lmao ) and then hard mode is villains heart (noo both TO and Deita is crying ;w;) hopefully ı assumed corectly hehe >w<
the drawing is soo cool 0w0 ı love the meme in the easy mode and both normal ad hard mode is both chaotic and funny XD