How is it going?
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I still may need to figure out a few things. I changed the entrance doors in the laboratory to open or close in some events (they're no longer just walls) though for some reason when they're idle they're rotated incorrectly. I've been taking a break from the project but I guess I should start soon enough again. With the new Pitstop in Baldi's Basics I can at least replace some placeholder doors.
On other notes I'm making fan-made patch updates to a few things : The Baldi Custom Map Helper Tool (bug fixes and features) and ReactBot (features and easy-access, for those who don't know, ReactBot is jacksfilms' Magic 8-Ball assistant who was made as a mockery towards reactors who steal content, he was recently released to the public for free)
Maybe, but decompiles out of Classic are much easier to make. I have a long way to go before I could actually work with a scripting tree as complex as the one in Baldi's Basics Full Game Public Demo or later. Besides, I may need to buy even more components than just Rewired to make a game as complex as these later games.
As for ReactBot, you can get him on but I needed a credit card because fourthwall doesn't seem to support free downloads properly.
I can add the ReactBot mod to (yes, jack is fine with this, it's going to be transformative work anyway).