Any clue about this? It definitely seems to be something with Press Turn because the attack works fine when I disable Press Turn
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Doing some debugging and I think the issue might lie with YEP Battle Core, but I'm not sure what, I tried disabling every plugin except for it and I noticed guarding doesn't expire with it active. I don't know why that would cause a secondary issue when combined with your plugin, but I'm willing to bet that's the cause.
So I think the issue is that ", 2);" is in the wrong location, it's being removed before the enemy move, when it should be called at the beginning of the player turn. I'm trying to find the best place to put it, but I have the skill working aside from the fact that the guard doesn't get removed after the turn starts.
Code to remove guard from allies at the beginning of allied turn (replaces same function)
BattleManager.MakeAllyTurns = function () { for (const battler of $gameTroop.members().concat($gameParty.members())) { battler.removeState(2); } pressTurnBattle.allyBattlersTurns = $gameParty.aliveMembers().length - stunnedAlies(); pressTurnBattle.allyBattlersTurnsCheck = pressTurnBattle.allyBattlersTurns; if (pressTurnParams.BasedOnAmountOfTeamsMembers === "true") { pressTurnBattle.allyBattlersTurnsMax = pressTurnBattle.allyBattlersTurns * Number(pressTurnParams.MaxTurnsPerBattler); } else pressTurnBattle.allyBattlersTurnsMax = Number(pressTurnParams.MaxTeamsTurns); }
and then to remove the guard status if they use another skill i added to the startaction function
var BattleManager_startAction_Mine = BattleManager.startAction; BattleManager.startAction = function () {; if(this._action.item().skillId != $dataSkills[this._action.subject().guardSkillId()]){ this._action.subject().removeState(2); } if(!this._action.item().note.includes("<Don't lose turn>")) { pressTurnBattle.turnIndex++;} if (pressTurnBattle.alliesTurns){ if(!this._action.item().note.includes("<Don't skip turn>")) { pressTurnBattle.allyBattlersTurns--; pressTurnBattle.gainedTurn = false; } if (pressTurnBattle.turnIndex === $gameParty.aliveMembers().length){ pressTurnBattle.turnIndex = 0;} BattleManager.drawPressIcons(); } else { pressTurnBattle.enemyBattlersTurns--; if (pressTurnBattle.turnIndex === $gameTroop.aliveMembers().length) pressTurnBattle.turnIndex = 0; } }