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A member registered Jul 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

As the creator of this plugin, I would disagree with you here. Why? Because $10 is no longer money in 2025 and you get to keep this plugin as well as alter its source code. Also, it took me a lot of learning to learn in order to create a plugin like this. You are paying for my training, knowledge, work, and expertise as well as the fact that you get full source code. I have actually thought of making it more expensive. Getting someone to write you this whole plugin from scratch would cost you much more here. RPG Maker (custom) plugins typically cost $500-$2,000 to sell to one person.

Wait, should this be for this plugin from now on or is it for your game only?

I see that you are indeed a fellow programmer! Yes, please include the code. Thanks!

This is all with Yanfly's main plugins, right? You're a coder, too, right? If so, please try to find the problem by yourself, too. My plugin is open-sourced and for this type of reason, too. 

I've looked into it. I'm sorry but I haven't gotten a clue. Why would you put target.isGuard() in a note, though?

I'll look into it. Maybe not soon but eventually. 

Can you help me? Others and I have played this game with this plugin, and yet it causes the game to crash.

I've done it! I've added enemy icons! Please download the newest file.

All right! Would you like me to give you access to a free copy of it? If so, how? Also, the Steam page isn't live yet. It is because setting it up takes time, I am awaiting its approval, and I may currently need to add a trailer, which I don't have. Would you like me to send you a link to claim? I will also change the writing here from calling it a "demo" to "Early Access."

Oh, I did make changes and you can playtest this for free, sir! This is actually Early Access just like on Steam. I have worked hard on this game and paid a lot of money for it, probably far more than average for an RPG Maker game, so I think that it's fine to put a cheap price tag on it. I do have my own playtesters, though. But as I said, I can let you playtest it for free. That's not a problem, sir. But perhaps this isn't a demo then?

I've done it! I've added the plugin in my latest update.

What do you mean?


So, someone purchased my Early Access game on for $2.99 a few days ago but didn't download it yet. Why not? This is weird.

Also, should I have someone create specific turn icon graphics for the enemy turns?

Oh, I was just curious. Also, it seems that you have managed to utilize the plugin very quickly during this time!

(1 edit)

Did you purchase this plugin less than an hour ago?

Yes. Should I give the enemies their own press turn icons, too?

Probably not, but I can add this feature eventually!

Done! Thanks again for reporting the bug! I need people to report the bugs. Thanks for playing, also. Please download the newer version and play it. Thanks!

I'll get to it ASAP. Thanks so much for the bug report!

(1 edit)

I've found out what the problem is! It's in the settings, and it isn't a bug. Suppose you have set the first parameter of the plugin to "false" and the second parameter to the number of battlers there are. In that case, it won't add a turn if you try to because you have set the maximum amount of turns there, and the amount of battlers is equal to or greater than that amount as every turn you start with as many turns as there are friendly battlers.

Edit: You can increase that second plugin parameter to include new max turns if you want more turns than the number of battlers. Or you can set the first plugin parameter to "true" and make the maximum number of turns based on the number of alive battlers at the start of the turn. You can set the maximum number of turns per battler in the third parameter.

So, I need help understanding this! This plugin works perfectly with or without other plugins on my current game project (the in-engine playtesting). But I have built my game project and sent it to my playtester, and all sorts of wrong things happen! He sent me the test files, and I saw many things wrong. I have also started a new project, and the plugin doesn't work well, like on your project, even in the in-engine playtesting.

Oh, I kept thinking that this might need Yanfly's plugins! I also tested a new project with just this plugin and ran into the same issues you did! Can you test it with different plugins to see any difference? I am now sure that this plugin only works with other plugins.

And this code is correct.

I honestly have no idea why this is occurring for you. It works perfectly for me and others.

(3 edits)

Yes, record a video. Are you using it for RPG Maker MV? Did you change anything in the plugin? This plugin works well for everyone else. Also, could you take a screenshot from the debug window by pressing F8 during gameplay? Can you try putting the plugin at the very top and very bottom of the plugin list and see if that helps? I have added +100% critical and it worked in giving me a turn.

Edit: also, can you take a screenshot of your plugin manager? Are you using any other battle system plugins simultaneously? You really shouldn't. 

Do the icons appear, though?

I've just tested it again. It works fine for me. Are you sure you have enough turns that can be added? Did you add <Pass> to that Pass skill's note?

I've released a plugin where your party's luck influences/increases your enemy drop rates here:

This plugin for RPG Maker MV allows your party's luck to affect the drop rate of enemies. This is based on the party's total luck or average luck. You can choose to include or not include reserved party members. The first number in the parameters is what your luck divides by, which adds to the chance of acquiring those items.

But like I've said, you won't start at part 2. The first part will be a demo for anyone to play. For my playtesters, they will play another file that starts from the beginning and goes until after the first part.

kk2oven- yeah, then, I think I'll create a new project for this. 

redonihunter- oh, actually, the second part will start at the beginning and end wherever I have last finished the game. 

Hello. So, I am developing a video game. It is Name Your Price since I am okay with support from tips, and only the first act/part is ready (though I'll still be making changes to it). This part will become the demo of my game. Now, I want the same project to host a game going beyond the first act but make it available only to my beta testers. Whether someone has downloaded and claimed this game of mine for free or paid (with a tip), they shouldn't be allowed to download the file beyond Act 1. Now, how do you think I could do this? Can I upload the file, mark it as hidden, and give the playtesters download keys so only they can download this file?

Since this project/plugin gets so many comments and gets into discussions and technical support is always needed, I've changed this from comments to the community board.

But I think I've disabled

Game_Battler.prototype.removeStatesAuto;. So, if I did, should I remove the line that has turned it off?

Wait, what do I do exactly? I can add the second code you gave me above and it'll fix the issue?

Okay, I've worked on both the message to say that the state has been removed, and making every battler's state turns left decrease each time a team has made all their turns when the auto-removal timing is Turn End, and it seems I have only done the latter. I am not sure. But I couldn't fix the message issue. Please download the newer version and try it out.

I think that I can fix those. But I might do it another day/time as I've worked hard on these issues. 

I've found the bug where at Turn End auto removal timing it ticks down more than once each turn and I think that I've fixed it now and uploaded the newer version. Please download the newer version and try it out again.

I've tested it again, and even though this new code has worked, there was a bug. The bug was that the battlers' state turns would decrease by three turns instead of one. I've fixed it now and uploaded a new version. Someone has downloaded the plugin since then. Was it you? If so, please download the newer version that I've just uploaded. Now, each turn decreases by one, and both auto removal timing Action End and Turn End work.