Thank you for the positive feedback and tips😊!
I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge and found the difficulty balanced—it’s always tricky to ensure a good middle ground where it's engaging but not frustrating, especially for a jam game where people do not spend a lot of time on your game. I aimed to make the boss phase reachable without it feeling too easy, so it's great to hear it worked out for you.
Your point about power pickups is noted 😉! Did not think about a 2 player mode, but maybe indeed fun.
As a jam host I know and absolutely agree about web builds being better for jams. Unfortunately, due to time constraints I was not able too do that myself😅. I started with a Windows build this time, easy testing, but I’ll try to prioritize a web build in the future. Time management... A real killer in jam 😉...
Thanks again for playing and leaving such thoughtful comments!