I had a smile on my face the whole time I was playing this game, and it gave me a hefty amount of chuckles. The art is amazing; it perfectly suits the mood, and the palette/color selection is exquisite. The character design is simply flawless.
I think the game has huge potential, so I hope you decide to keep working on it! If you do, I think the game would greatly benefit from a more complete UI, perhaps giving a preview (or hint) of how much you’d lose/win with each choice, and some sort of way to track who you helped (categorizing requests in moral areas, for instance, could be a way to shortcut this to prevent or mitigate decision paralysis). I get why you didn’t do it, as it could give away too much, which totally makes sense in a shorter game. However, in a more fleshed-out version, it could be crucial to keep the decisions strategically impactful—especially if you choose to procedurally generate or randomize the characters/letters/etc., as others suggested. Great job