Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out! Yes, I do plan to publish a longer example of play with commentary as a separate document in the future. For now, though, I can offer you some guidance.
First, even a small consequence like “a cut on your leg” can carry meaningful implications. While it doesn’t have a numeric value attached to it, it should still influence the narrative and gameplay. For example, it could impose drawbacks in situations where the injury might hinder you, and it can color how you interpret the results of dice rolls and your character’s levels of success. The narrative impact of even minor consequences should shape what your character can do and how well they do it.
Another way to handle combat consequences, if you want something between a purely narrative effect and a full-on complication from the table, is to create a spark. Condition sparks work particularly well for this. For instance, instead of immediately breaking your ribs with one hit, you can create a spark that represents cuts and bruises accumulating over time, leaving you more exposed until you eventually collapse.
For more detailed guidance, I recommend checking out the “How To” sections of the book. Specifically:
• How to Forge Evocative Monsters
• How to Keep My Encounters Balanced
These sections offer helpful suggestions for managing combat encounters and consequences.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have more questions, and good luck with your next encounter!