oh i see! gosh, that's a lot of work for you... yeah listing out the dimensions or the proportions doesn't make any sense. but it will bother me forever to make a custom icon that doesn't line up with the others. could we view the central lines? like halving all the symmetrical/round icons? or! a placeholder icon that's easy to erase, like a spacer. like if we wanted to squeeze a custom icon in between the defaults, currently it'd take us so long to figure out what's going to run over. since it's not a fixed table, they're just floating to alignment, right? hmmm. tl;dr once we take it to another program, it's a problem of spacing , centering, and sizing, and there are no guides to keep everything even. it turns a 30 second job with a wingdings font into squinting at measurements for an hour. yeah, i think a spacer option would work best here, especially since you have asymmetric and irregular icons, and in different sizes.
as for the BB code, i just have a lot of longer title-text to put on the shields that's not numbers. like on the forms on the right hand column? so we needed a way to resize the fonts - and they do fit, visually! but the letter limit prevented entering them bc it counts the very lengthy BB code as part of the form. so that too we'd have to enter manually on our own program.