Hi! I've uploaded an alternative version but no one I know can really help with creating a kid friendly version. So please let me know if anything should be changed/taken away.
What is different:
- Got rid of the community aspects of the base game. So no npcs, no community requests and no birthdays. But the player's birthday is kept and would receive a gift on their birthday.
- Changed one of the move from Visit to Craft. There are two types of items you can craft.
- One is for decorative purposes and maybe for displaying in a festival (players decide whether the festival needs anything) or using it for a specific community news.
- One is for providing short term boosts (similar to what visit does) or permanent boost (replacing building community buildings). This is completely optional so it shouldn't matter if a player opt out of crafting boost items
- Replace the community news with something kids friendly and with no npc interactions. There are prompts with sea creatures though, like taking care of baby dolphins, or a sea turtle is here to tell adventure stories, that kind of interactions.
- Created two extra optional tables for decorative items and sea creatures just for inspiration.