Are you referring to the version before the cave was added? And just enter the passage behind the stone slime. About the bug, I will take a look and try to fix it in the next update.
I mean, I went through the whole cave, defeated 5 metal slimes (who go as a boss) and their golem (if i can call it that), then the mother of the slimes, and after that I didn't understand, and one more question: how to treat poisoning in the game that can be inflicted by honey slimes?
And you can add a more convenient way to inform about what needs to be done in the task, and sometimes you forget the description that the NPC said and that's it.
Yes, the update ends with Thays' last speech, and I even recommend saving before leaving the cave. About the poison... that's something I ended up forgetting, I intended to add the antidote along with the poison slime.