Hey thanks for playing! Could you teach your ways of the cheese to Mr Fromage? We were well aware of the possibility of just moving your limbs into a ball, but just now got a comment about staying in T-pose and using Q/E.
During the development when I realized the cheesability I even wanted to implement a detection of that method like calculating the average distance of limbs, maybe an area3D, or checking if they’re not moving for several walls in a row, something like that. And then trigger a voiceline like “ayo I may be Viktor Fromage but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you cheese” + force reset you to T-pose. Maybe I’ll let the cheese in intentionally, then lead the player to discover it, and then remove it 🤔
But you know cheesing and finding broken stuff in games is also very fun and gives you that special feeling of power and “I am so smart and crafty” to the player. But often it’s actually designed that way by the devs. Sometimes not, and that’s where the real fun is as a fromager!