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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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This guy is an ass, it’s a good game

aha to go to the third platform you were supposed to tongue-grapple to one of the houses, I should have designed that in a more obvious way. The UX of the grappling could have been better in many ways but well jam stuff happened. Thank you for that seeing a playthrough is invaluable feedback!

Oh glad to see other people also streaming/recording playthroughs from GWJ! Will check it out

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As designer I wanted a bit more depth to the gameplay as well :D We were a bit too ambitious on some stuff and could have focused more on getting a solid core gameplay loop with a triangular design.

Thanks for playing the game!

Yeaaaah! I really liked your music for your game as a fellow metalhead

Glad you liked the last-minute easter egg addition :D Thanks for playing

Hi there, I usually send this through Discord but you have not left a username here. I played your game on stream so you can watch the run with my feedback there at around 1:32:00


Had some issues with the UX but interesting mechanics and art direction. Thanks for making the game!

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Hi there, I usually send this through Discord but you haven’t given a username here. I have played your game at the end of my stream so you can watch the run with my feedback there at around 2:17:00


Great entry overall congratulations!

Will I have to read a 10-pages manual before playing the game this time? Discover the truth and more tonight at 5!

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Well I think professionnals will normalize to something between - 3db to 0db. I don’t really like that because then I always set the volume settings to like 10%.

I think my personal is to aim for - 3db but then I programmatically set the master to 50% volume by default.

And usually you keep like 6db difference between important audio and background stuff (voice lines and music for instance).

You could try the Godot Mixing Desk plug-in, I haven’t yet but I’ve heard it’s good.

Sorry about your brother, my French ass can be overly critical sometimes 😅 It’s a good result for a jam game, you’ll probably get a good rank

Oh if you want audio that’s not spatialized at all there is “AudioStreamPlayer”, without 2D or 3D at the end. Useful for background music, voice lines for the character’s thoughts, …

I see for the logs, I didn’t get through because I didn’t really focus on not making mistakes, just trying to chop wood fast.

hi, I suppose you’re a teammate then? Sorry if I sounded over critical, I’m just trying to give pointers to improve! I know people work hard during jams. I enjoyed my playthrough of the game.

If he’s not solo he needs to add you (and others if there are more) as contributor in the itch.io admin page of the game, see this screenshot to find it:

Would be nice to add the Discord nicknames in the jam submission too.

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Hey nice entry overall! We don’t see point-and-click games that often though they tend to be a good fit for a jam.

Some remarks:

  • why is the audio mono to the left…? The music reminds me of C418 - Sweden (that famous Minecraft track).
  • there’s two “credits” buttons but one of them is “how to play” :p
  • how do I get out of chopping wood? I had to restart the game. I cut through like 10 logs.
  • the art looks nice. I guess it’s pre-rendered? Would have been nice to code the game so it happens in an actual 3d scene but that’s way more complex.

Hey! sorry I will not be able to make another stream session but here’s some feedback.

  • The art is of good quality
  • Controls feel pretty good too. Didn’t have problems with the dialogue boxes I think. I expected to be able to shoot or attack, it looked like a twin-stick shooter.
  • the audio is alright, was a bit low volume on my end I think
  • Escape hotkey quits the game. I was trying to get to some settings to rebind to WASD. Please implement that and volume sliders in your next games. You can check out my solution there https://github.com/GodotWildJam/gwj-accessibility-scripts/tree/main/Motor/Basic/mappable-keys

Good job overall!

(2 edits)

Nice little entry, especially since you’re not that experienced and solo! I liked how you made bullet hell sorta fit with the theme. I would prefer there was an end goal rather than just a high score.

A few unordered remarks:

  • it’d be better play the music at the main menu. It feels a bit empty and I got surprised by the high volume when the game started, so I was distracted turning my volume down
  • the “oooh cozy” voice line is fun
  • I feel like you’ve spent a lot of time on the game over screen though it’s not such an important part of the game :p
  • the background does not match the rest of the art
  • lots of jaggies in the outlines of the pixel art, usually people try to avoid that. Here’s a good resource about it and lots of other stuff https://pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11299&PID=139322#139322
  • please implement some settings for volume control and rebindable hotkeys. You can find my implementation over there, it’s fairly easy to customize to your needs: https://github.com/GodotWildJam/gwj-accessibility-scripts/tree/main/Motor/Basic/mappable-keys

Santa is old he’s allowed to swear a bit, right? Sorry, probably my Frenchness dripping into the dialogue writing :D

Glad you enjoyed the voices and the music. Don’t know if you stayed till the end of the game, there’s also a quick arrangement I made of “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk, that I called “Get Cozy”.

oh yeah, the theme is shoehorned in. My goal was to learn 3d modelling/animating during the jam and I had never programmed an FPS shooter before. So I tried to come up with something that fits. I did not want to make yet another “get cozy in a cabin” game :p

And yeah that bug appeared when I was playing around with the terrain shader to try to make bigger hills, I do not get why some houses spawn the kids underneath the terrain :/

It was my own theme suggestion, so I have the right to disrespect it a bit :D

Thanks for playing!

An entry of good overall quality! I really like the background art and the snow. I found it interesting that the playable character looks kinda ugly for a change. Very relatable.

Got cozy, at last. But I somehow missed the NG+.

Not sure you got my ping on Discord but here’s the cut playthrough from my usual GWJ playtesting stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1238853260

I have a deep love for isometric games so it caught my eye! Plus bears are my favorite animals.

Too bad you didn’t get to finish what you wanted to make but it was still a cozy moment anyway :)

I am not sure you got my ping on Discord but I have streamed your game during my usual GWJ playtesting stream. You can watch the cut playthrough here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1238853258

It lacks a bit of polish in some angles (sounds, explaining what’s the goal, the mechanics, …) but it was pretty fun to play around for a few.

(And also I broke the game so that was great because it’s a bit of a tradition on my stream)

Hey there! Great that you managed to make an audio game in the end. It was quite enjoyable although I got lost at some point when you gave too many instructions all at once with the merchant. Not sure if there was an end goal to reach either?

I do not know if you got my ping on Discord, but here is the video of the playthrough: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1238853265

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Might be my favorite entry so far, great job! Love the art direction and setting. Good idea to to have an action queue for that kind of management game.

I do not know if you saw my ping on Discord, but I have streamed your game during my usual GWJ playtesting stream. Here is the cut part where I played it: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1239500504

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One of the best entries I have tried so far! I think you saw the playthrough video, hope it was enjoyable to watch and insightful.

Oh yeah, meant to ask, does the game finish at some point or is it an endless mode? I quit around day 4 or 5.

Thank you! I was a bit afraid the voice over would not be well-received. Since it’s the first time I tried to voice act. And a Santa voice isn’t really my style I think :D

Will play yours later :)

I cringe a bit every time I here my shitty voice acting but it was fun to do. Thanks for playing!

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oh there isnt’a system of laps, it’s one path from start to end. But it does loop around the map so maybe you got confused there. So you didn’t get to the credits at the end?

Thanks for trying it out, will play yours later

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! You do not control the sleigh at all, it’s an on-rails Shooter ((https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Rail_shooters)). Maybe I could have made it more obvious in the design somehow, like a shiny visualization of the path. I also wanted to add reindeers but didn’t find the time.

I might update the game becasue I wanted to add a New Game + mode that has a… quite different vibe. Will probably add more features like “grenades” and what not.

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The game looks really good and plays well, although not very challenging.

The music is nice but I barely heard any sound.

I missed what the text said exactly when I reached the core with the two sentries. I got stuck in a dead-end afterward so I stopped playing there. I wish there were more distinguished visual landmarks to find my way around.

But overall very good especially for a first jam and solo!

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I spent most of my time frenetically pressing arrow keys until I found the next part. I would have been more careful if the bodies rose up in my back.

Great simulator of “I don’t know where I misplaced this item, and I’m looking everywhere except the single place where it is”. So it reminded me too much of my daily life to be truly enjoyable unfortunately.

Got too frustrated on 3rd or 4th level because I could not find a map. I can’t bother making my own and I don’t have the spatial memory necessary

no problem, feel free to DM me on Discord (Vikfro#4956) if you have issues with the scripts, I wrote them!

The concept is interesting and original but I did not understand what to do with the batteries?

I feel “falling of the edges” was an unnecessary mechanic, I’d rather have my character not be stupid and collide with the edges :D

The laser sound loop gets annoying quite quickly.

I kept deactivating the connections instead of pushing enter :( It’s a bit annoying to have to move out of the area then come back to be able to reactivate it.

If you’d like to get rebindable hotkeys and volume sliders you can check https://github.com/GodotWildJam/gwj-accessibility-scripts.

The rest is alright, good job overall!

Pretty good overall! I like the graphics and the music is alright, great job for a solo entry especially since you made everything yourself.

There’s some implementation mistakes:

  • the fire rate depends on how fast you press the tab button. IT should be tied to a cooldown and you should be able to hold the button down.
  • It looks like monsters outside of the screen can’t die (the projectile disappears?). Since they move super fast that did not feel great.

The TAB key for shooting is weird. I suggest implementing rebindable controls for next time, you can check https://github.com/GodotWildJam/gwj-accessibility-scripts for an implementation.

That was great! Nice polish, very cool GWJ intro and lore sequences. (Nice that you can speed up to adjust to your own reading speed).

The concept is cool but the brick breaker part feels a bit anecdotic and clunky. You seem to check with collision only in the direction where the ball is moving which gets really frustrating to move it where you want. So if my space ship hits the ball from behind, it does not alter the course at all.

Really liked the music, did you make it yourself? Those 32th kicks and bass were quite brutal.

Really cool mechanic to have the projectiles orbit too!

Too bad the levels are super short. Would be more fun if the enemies struck back.

The graphics look very nice. A bit lacking on the audio/accessibility side. Overall solid entry, especially solo.

Check out https://github.com/GodotWildJam/gwj-accessibility-scripts if you need some rebindable hotkeys and volume sliders :)

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In my first seconds of the game, I bumped into the ring, it sent me flying away and spinning super fast… Was not a great start :D

I’m sorry but the camera is quite terrible. Or the physics of the rotations more specifically. It takes super long to stop rotating and gives some motion sickness. Especially with the quite big FoV. The rotation should stop very soon after stopping moving the mouse! I could not bear it to play the game to the end, though I’m not particularly sensitive to motion sickness (I can play VR without problems for example).

Anyway I think it’s a good and interpretation of the theme and quite original compared to the other submissions. The graphics are alright too.

Oh and it’s nice that you have some procedural generation in there!

oh and your fullscreen does not support more than 1080p screens:

That was… something :D I like the weird and original aesthetic. Some effects are a bit too epileptic for my taste.

Took me a few minutes to figure out the mechanics (I didn’t read the description just to see how intuitive it is). The concept is interesting but it feels like there isn’t a clear goal to achieve.

Controls are responsive.

Sounds are pretty good, too bad there isn’t a lil music track too.

Fun and intriguing overall.

I agree with the slow projectiles, especially since the debris moves quite fast too. Might help to give some friction to slow down the movement when no input is given. Anyway thanks for playing glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game and my music.