H e LL O E v e y o n e!
It's me again.
It's been a while since I uploaded my last Devlog. Sorry! I got distracted by some music-related stuff... But hey, I have improved a lot! My songs don't sound like dying penguins anymore! That's good, isn't it? Anyways idk wtf I'm saying I should just stop haha. In summary I'm trying to get better at composing music for my games.
New thingies:
- Modeled many new cars!
- Made the fuel tank patience system
- Created and added foliage to the map!
- A LOT of bug fixes
- Modeled and added a new ghost enemy!
- Added new Day cars: The Vintage, Prime, Enforcer & CivilEnforcer
- Added new Night cars: The Hearse, Invis, Odd
- Added new Weekend cars: The FuelTruck
- Modeled the Fuel Tank
- Added the Fuel Tank and implemented a flow counter for it
- The Vehicle Spawner can now take spawn requests from outside sources without overloading itself
- Created a rig for Sam! (the game's mascot)
- Added some improvements to the UI
- Implemented the Night Rage. Night Rage builds up during day and is released at night. It is the main gameplay mechanic of the game!
- Composed four new songs for the OST!
- Rewrote some parts of the Time System
- Added the Weekend!
- Rewrote AGasPump into UFluidPump. (now any object including vehicles can have a gas pump attached to it)
- Made a simple progression system
- Fulfill Fuel now has a working gameplay loop!
The Gallery
-Sam and his rig
-Happy Sam!
-The Fuel Tank - Gas pumps do not pump fuel if it is empty. At the end of the week (Weekend) the FuelTruck arrives and lets you refuel the Fuel Tank. Some Night cars may attack the Fuel Tank if they were not satisfied.
-The Vintage. The night equivalents of this car are The Hearse and The Invis.
-The Prime. The night equivalent of this car is The Odd.
-The Enforcer and its civilian version, The CivilEnforcer. Neither of these two cars currently has a night equivalent but I'm thinking about adding one!