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A horror game about fueling -F u l f i l l F u e l⛽

A topic by O_TIRE created Sep 22, 2024 Views: 629 Replies: 18
Viewing posts 1 to 8
(2 edits) (+2)

Devlog No.1 : The Concept!

The Store Page (the game is not available yet):

Hello everyone, it's me again.

First of all let's address the elephant in the room:
I know the name sounds kinda diabolical but hear me out... I kinda like it.

I'm not really sure if this game would go under the category of "Mascot Horror". it's about the mascot of the Gas Station, though it is not like traditional mascot horror.

Overall Idea:

In this Devlog, I'm not going to explain gameplay or story details rather, I would talk about the idea behind it.

Note: The following mechanics might change!

The gameplay is broken into two overall parts. Night and Day.

Unlike other horror games, Fulfill Fuel takes place on days too. On Day, the game will be very challenging but forgiving. At Night, the game will be simple but brutal.

Even though player can't lose on Day, but what happens on Day defines what will happen on Night.
In simpler terms, if you f up at Day you will die at Night!

For example the more customers you miss on Day, the harder the Night gets.


-The TEN ARMED SPIDER™ Gas Station.
"Diesel, Oil, Fuel And Gas! Look Around And We Will Shove Debt Up Your A.."

-Sam The Spider (mascot of TAS)
"Look at his eyes! He's so innocent! He just wants to sell you overpriced diesel."
I might change the design later, but for now, I like how it looks like an oversimplified corporate design.
Though I have some problems with his arms and legs, they look like teeth!

-Gas Pump
"no funny business here, good bye."




Thanks <3

(1 edit) (+2)

Devlog 2!

Hello everyone, it's me again.

There has been quite a lot of progress:

QuestionAnswerThe Epic Return Of The Epic Empty Column
Are the models imported to the Game Engine?Yes.
Are there any new sound effects?Yes, many.
Have you modeled any cars?Well, I have modeled a placeholder car.
Have you implemented the base logic for Vehicles?Yes, I have. But the process was very painful.
Very very painful. Like seriously painful.
Like no joke, really painful. Like it wasn't even ful, it was just pain.
Have you programmed the Vehicle AII'm working on it! It currently can follow waypoints and stop at gas pumps.
Have you made any additional 3D models?Yes, I have added many new environment-related models.
Any animations?Yes! I have made around 4 animations for the player & I have imported them.
Are the Gas Pumps interactable yet?Yes they are! You can pick up the pump head & vehicles can knock the Gas Pumps over.

By the way...

I'm creating this game with Unreal Engine 5!

I don't have much experience with Unreal. But I love it!
I'm also using a plugin called UnrealSharp which allows me to program my games in C#!
Also, No. I'm NOT abandoning Unity. I hate how people throw away years of their experience just to stick to another tool.


-The junk yard

-The Day & Night cycle (WIP)

-The Gas Pump (WIP)

(3 edits) (+1)

haha, it’s funny that they can knock over gas pumps 😸


edit2: ohhh and I can see the car model. It looks nice :3


Thanks :3

I think this game is going to be harder than Reanimated just because of that 'knocking over gas pumps' feature😅


Hey this looks sick! Sam looks very silly and cute! Can't wait to see how the game develops c:


Thank uuuu <3


Hello everyone, it's me again!

I've been doing a lot of technical stuff, so I don't have much to show :(

✨Design Choices✨

uhhm uhhhhh...

🔧New Features🔧

The Rise of The Epic Empty Row
F e a t u r eD e s c r i p t i o nuhh
Bug fixesDope.
Made the GasPumpsManagerThe system that helps cars decide about what path they're going to take. It also rents pumps for cars. (i know that sounds weird)
Hose tension pullWhen the player is holding a pump head, this force prevents them from going too far away from the gas pump.
This is important for the game's ending.
Made the Fuel or Pass systemIt's a part of GasPumpsManager.
The Well To The HellI'm not sure if it will remain a secret or be fused with the gameplay.

I know the new features sound underwhelming but they are required before I can add any other thing.
After making the VehicleSpawner, I will be moving on to the fun stuff again!

📖Story Update📖

I have decided to add this new section (that is  clearly not ripped off from chillitch's devlogs) to my Devlogs!
I have some ideas in mind for the story but I prefer to think about them more before sharing them with you guys & gals!
So, unfortunately we have no Story Update for today :(


-Hose Tension Showcase

-The Well To The Hell



Haha, you're not ripping anything off silly! Also your twitter post about the well to hell is pretty nice, since I'm sick.

(1 edit) (+1)

Devlog 4!

Hello everyone, it's me again.

My experience with Unreal Engine:

I'm starting to like Unreal Engine. Now that I understand its fundamentals, its tools are really helping me out.
I was expecting Unreal to be much more difficult to learn; but I would even argue that it's easier than Unity!
Unity is more programmer-friendly but Unreal is more artist-friendly. So if you are a programmer and you hate visual scripting, it's going to be a tough ride. But if you are willing to learn blueprints too, then It's really not that difficult.

I have heard some people say that Unreal is less flexible than other engines like Godot and Unity, but that is not true.
If you are trying to make a game, Unreal is not any less flexible than those two; but if you want to create any other type of software, Unreal isn't the right choice.

Also, C++ isn't that difficult. The most difficult part of C++ is memory management which is not required in Unreal; because Unreal has a built-in garbage collector.
C++ without memory management is very similar to C#, but every now and then you have to pass in or get a pointer.
Also Also you don't even need to know C++ to make games with the engine!

Anyways! Now that Unreal propaganda is over, it's time to get into the fun stuff!:

New Features!

There is a lot of them!:

To Do ListState
Dynamic Vehicle Sounds
Rework the waypoint system
Fix GasPumpsManager
Introduce breakable objects
Make DelayProvider
Make the vehicles brake gradually
Finish the Time system~
Add more sound effects
Make VehicleSpawner~
Fix DelayProvider (holy s**t that took a while)
Make Flasher_S
Make Explosive_S
Make Destructible_C
Rewrite the fueling system and make it a component
Make Gas Pumps react to explosions
Make a simple death system 
Make The Cabin
Finish the first Night Vehicle, the BomberBox!!!

Wow! That was a lot!

📖Story Update📖

The story isn't complete yet. There will be four characters which two of them are new. (not including the player)
The story is less vague now but the progression is not natural at all. It doesn't have that 'smart' flavor to it yet.
I will share more about the story once it has reached a stable stage!


The smoke particles have been fixed and don't glow anymore.

-The BomberBox
BomberBox is a vehicle that only appears at Night. That's all I can say for now!

-The Wooden Cabin

-Me having some fun before implementing the death system

Anyways, that's about it:

See you later!


Wait what!? Unreal has a built in garbage collector???? That's interesting for an engine that uses C++. Doesn't garbage collecting reduce performance? I mean I'm not saying it's a problem for your game, but it's weird they considered doing that with C++

Also I love it! I'm genuinely excited. 


It does reduce performance but it's kinda optional!
If you want a class to be garbage collected then you have to derive it from UObject and give it the UClass macro, else it will not be garbage collected.

I said 'kinda' because if you want a class to be recognized by Unreal editor then you have to enable garbage collection for it!


H e LL O  E v e y o n e!

It's me again.

It's been a while since I uploaded my last Devlog. Sorry! I got distracted by some music-related stuff... But hey, I have improved a lot! My songs don't sound like dying penguins anymore! That's good, isn't it? Anyways idk wtf I'm saying I should just stop haha. In summary I'm trying to get better at composing music for my games.

New thingies:

  1. Modeled many new cars!
  2. Made the fuel tank patience system
  3. Created and added foliage to the map!
  4. A LOT of bug fixes
  5. Modeled and added a new ghost enemy!
  6. Added new Day cars: The Vintage, Prime, Enforcer & CivilEnforcer
  7. Added new Night cars: The Hearse, Invis, Odd
  8. Added new Weekend cars: The FuelTruck
  9. Modeled the Fuel Tank
  10. Added the Fuel Tank and implemented a flow counter for it
  11. The Vehicle Spawner can now take spawn requests from outside sources without overloading itself
  12. Created a rig for Sam! (the game's mascot)
  13. Added some improvements to the UI
  14. Implemented the Night Rage. Night Rage builds up during day and is released at night. It is the main gameplay mechanic of the game!
  15. Composed four new songs for the OST!
  16. Rewrote some parts of the Time System
  17. Added the Weekend!
  18. Rewrote AGasPump into UFluidPump. (now any object including vehicles can have a gas pump attached to it)
  19. Made a simple progression system 
  20. Fulfill Fuel now has a working gameplay loop!

The Gallery

-Sam and his rig

-Happy Sam!

-The Fuel Tank - Gas pumps do not pump fuel if it is empty. At the end of the week (Weekend) the FuelTruck arrives and lets you refuel the Fuel Tank. Some Night cars may attack the Fuel Tank if they were not satisfied.

-The Vintage. The night equivalents of this car are The Hearse and The Invis.

-The Prime. The night equivalent of this car is The Odd.

-The Enforcer and its civilian version, The CivilEnforcer. Neither of these two cars currently has a night equivalent but I'm thinking about adding one!

For now I will not show the Night cars, I'm kinda afraid that revealing them would spoil the game; but I may do that in the future regardless.

But for now: Bye!


HOLY SHIZ! Nice To know your working on music, cant wait to hear them! I'm so happy to see your models as well




Hello Everybody, It's Me Again!

We've got some big changes for this Devlog!
For today, we won't have a Gallery section, because I have finally created the store page!
I will link the store page at the end of this Devlog, so please stick around!

New Features

  1. Many new animations
  2. Cars now spawn with random colors
  3. Added a pause menu
  4. Added cheats to the game!
  5. Added a flashlight (yes, this horror game didn't have a flashlight until now!)
  6. Modeled the human base
  7. Modeled the Enforcer Dealership (story related)
  8. Designed, modeled, rigged and animated the Dealer who works in the dealership!
  9. Composed a new short track for the OST
  10. Player can now attack by swinging the gas pump!
  11. Modeled and made the logic for the first humanoid enemy in the game!
  12. Improved SAM's character rig
  13. Added the digital version of SAM to the game! (that mean there will be a physical version!)
  14. Switched the version of the project to 5.5 (this took a lot of time... a LOT of time...)
  15. Implemented an object grabbing system (I'm not sure if I will keep it in)
  16. Improved audio
  17. Added the Blood Born Forest! (story related)
  18. Added a new Tree enemy!
  19. Added two new variants for the Enforcer car brand: Enforcer wagon & Enforcer Taxi
  20. Created the store page of the game!
  21. Designed the logo of the game
  22. Created a simple 3D dialogue system

The Store Page:

Sorry, I was really tired today so I couldn't make this Devlog any fancier...
Anyways! Don't forget to checkout the store page! And


(1 edit) (+1)

Will you be releasing the OST on your YouTube or something? I know you only use YouTube for trailers but I was wondering. I'm super excited for this game, and excited to see some trees try and scare me. F*** you nature. Seeing this makes me so overjoyed! 

Also when I went to the store page, why does your YouTube link take me to X/Twitter, unless I'm crazy haha.


1. If the OST turns out good enough, I'll release it on YT!
2. Ye f**k trees! Who need oxygen when you can just smell uranium?
3. No, I'm just retarded :P