Devlog No.1 : The Concept!
The Store Page (the game is not available yet):
Hello everyone, it's me again.
First of all let's address the elephant in the room:
I know the name sounds kinda diabolical but hear me out... I kinda like it.
I'm not really sure if this game would go under the category of "Mascot Horror". it's about the mascot of the Gas Station, though it is not like traditional mascot horror.
Overall Idea:
In this Devlog, I'm not going to explain gameplay or story details rather, I would talk about the idea behind it.
Note: The following mechanics might change!
The gameplay is broken into two overall parts. Night and Day.
Unlike other horror games, Fulfill Fuel takes place on days too. On Day, the game will be very challenging but forgiving. At Night, the game will be simple but brutal.
Even though player can't lose on Day, but what happens on Day defines what will happen on Night.
In simpler terms, if you f up at Day you will die at Night!
For example the more customers you miss on Day, the harder the Night gets.
-The TEN ARMED SPIDER™ Gas Station.
"Diesel, Oil, Fuel And Gas! Look Around And We Will Shove Debt Up Your A.."
-Sam The Spider (mascot of TAS)
"Look at his eyes! He's so innocent! He just wants to sell you overpriced diesel."
I might change the design later, but for now, I like how it looks like an oversimplified corporate design.
Though I have some problems with his arms and legs, they look like teeth!
-Gas Pump
"no funny business here, good bye."