Thank you for making AHitR! I first picked it up for the pr0n. I'm finding myself staying for the worldbuilding and story (though even with the animation issue mentioned below the sex is admittedly part of why I'm still here).
I've completed the main story and most of the individual storylines in 0.7.12r3 and am now playing 0.7.13r2 (at this writing, up to day 76 and (rot13 possible spoiler) svefg guernq fanc jvyy unccra fbba) - in English, as implied by this note, and on Linux. I've found numerous tiny issues, mostly unidiomatic English, but also a sprinkling of everything from an obvious spelling mistake to minor continuity flubs to possibly, even, code bugs. Is there anything useful I can do with them? I could just post the list here, but it feels slightly inappropriate to play proofreader (proofplayer? :-) in a public place like this.
I also have minor trouble with the game in that the animations appear to be completely broken; I get a black screen with, sometimes, text overlaid on it when I would expect an animation. The problem is presumably somewhere between chair and keyboard, but, if someone with the relevant comptence to help me track it down, even if just by pointing me to likely causes, is inclined to, it would be much appreciated - I am very familiar with Unix derivatives in general but not with Linux at this level of detail.
If itch has any form of private message (I looked briefly but didn't see anything obvious), I'd be fine with taking any of the above off the public discussion area. I could also go to off-itch email, but that's less likely to work, given the disaster most of today's email world is.