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A member registered Mar 10, 2024

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Ah, the - versus x is very useful to know - thank you!

So now I need to try to find that missing villain (the last one on the list, unless the laptop always displays ??? villains last).  I have a fuzzy memory of my previous playthrough, on 0.24b, finding a villain I haven't found yet here.  Unfortunately I don't recall much; I need to see what I can find....

(1 edit)

I'm wondering if I've reached the end of the available content, or perhaps I'm just missing things.  I'm playing 0.25p on Linux.

There are five big things which look to me like either indications of planned content that doesn't exist yet or things I've managed to miss the action to get past, or more if you count the nine empty ellipses on the maps (two on the first map, seven on the second) or the laptop stats (see below).  Trying to avoid getting spoilery here:

- The parrot (Iago?) at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad;

- The barking (hyenas?) at Enchanted Castle;

- The lion at The Land;

- Buying Jafar a drink (this one explicitly says end of content for this version);

- Belle's $5000 date (I've tried all eight combinations of the two answers to the first menu and four answers to the second and always get the same failure).

So, I'm wondering whether I've missed things or these are just lead-ins to planned but not yet implemented content...?

In particular, I have bought all upgrades the dwarfs have available and I've beat everyone in the tavern at the drinking minigame (except the Queen of Hearts, for whom the menu hasn't offered it to me), in many cases all in the same visit to the Tavern; I think I've reached the end of each of the available girls' stories; I've tried scheduling them all at once for Club 33; I've got over three million in available cash; my drawing skill long since maxed out; I've been keeping the park at or near max rating; I've completed all four events on the calendar.

According to the laptop in the workshop, I have drawn 41/41 attractions and 12/11 (huh?) girls, bought 123/123 upgrades, helped 13/14 villains, won 14/15 villain challenges, have 73/101 outfits available, and unlocked 122/185 scenes.

I have not solved Jafar or LeFou's problems (I haven't managed to find either one), haven't won the Queen of Hearts's challenge (haven't found it), and according to the laptop I haven't viewed the scene for eight of the villains I've found, there's one villain I haven't found at all (just ??? on the laptop's list), and similarly there's one girl I haven't found (??? again).

Hence wondering whether I've just missed things or whether these represent planned but only partially implemented content, especially in view of apparently having drawn one more girl than is available despite having missed one).

If I have just missed something, and someone can point me in a useful direction without getting too spoilery, I'd apprecate it.

Minor continuity issue in 0.25p (rot13 because it could be a bit of a spoiler): Jura ivfvgvat Nevry qhevat qnlgvzr naq cvpxvat "Unaqwbo", nsgre yrnivat ure va uhzna sbez, gur fprar fubjf ure fvggvat va uhzna sbez ohg jvgu grkg fnlvat fur'f "syvpxvat ure svaf rkpvgrqyl", naq (yngre) ure npgvbaf "ner uvqqra oruvaq ure ohyxl gnvy".

Ah!  Got it now.  Thank you!

Come to think of it, there are plenty of other games over a gig on itch (eg, A House in the Rift); might want to look into how they do it.

Um, you say "Download for FREE at our Patreon", but when I follow that link I don't see any download option, and I do see a line urging me to join "Starting at $8 CA/month".  That doesn't look very free to me; what am I doing wrong?

I find it a bit disturbing that not only did it try to connect back to, presumably trying to phone home, but it did so with no advance warning:

Error encountered: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/1/x/wharf/latest?target=theerogueone/that-new-teacher&channel_name=win-linux (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fd1810d9e50>: Failed to resolv'' ([Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution)")) 

Its attempt failed because I ran it in a container with networking disabled in order to break exactly this kind of thing, among others; it printed the above-quoted text very shortly after startup.  No, I don't know what it would have done if the connection had succeeded.  It might be benign for all I know.  But that it tried at all, without even telling, much less asking, me, and no warning on its page here?  That is enough to bother me.

The description says "suspicious number of phallus(es? odes?)".  According to Wiktionary, phallus is a lift from Latin, with Latin plural phalli; the Wiktionary page for phallus says "phallus (plural phalli or phalluses)".  The Latin does appear to derive from Greek φαλλός; while I don't know enough Greek to know how to pluralize that correctly, phallodes looks plausible to me.  So, yes, I'd say either of those would be fine, with phalli as a third option.

Trivial typo - on the download screen, I found "2. Exctract and play!".  Presumably that should be "Extract"....

Thank you for making AHitR!  I first picked it up for the pr0n.  I'm finding myself staying for the worldbuilding and story (though even with the animation issue mentioned below the sex is admittedly part of why I'm still here).

I've completed the main story and most of the individual storylines in 0.7.12r3 and am now playing 0.7.13r2 (at this writing, up to day 76 and (rot13 possible spoiler) svefg guernq fanc jvyy unccra fbba) - in English, as implied by this note, and on Linux.  I've found numerous tiny issues, mostly unidiomatic English, but also a sprinkling of everything from an obvious spelling mistake to minor continuity flubs to possibly, even, code bugs.  Is there anything useful I can do with them?  I could just post the list here, but it feels slightly inappropriate to play proofreader (proofplayer? :-) in a public place like this.

I also have minor trouble with the game in that the animations appear to be completely broken; I get a black screen with, sometimes, text overlaid on it when I would expect an animation.  The problem is presumably somewhere between chair and keyboard, but, if someone with the relevant comptence to help me track it down, even if just by pointing me to likely causes, is inclined to, it would be much appreciated - I am very familiar with Unix derivatives in general but not with Linux at this level of detail.

If itch has any form of private message (I looked briefly but didn't see anything obvious), I'd be fine with taking any of the above off the public discussion area.  I could also go to off-itch email, but that's less likely to work, given the disaster most of today's email world is.

Thanks for building it!  I've done everything but level 25, still fiddling with that one.

Do you publish the JSON for the builtin levels, and/or the spec describing how the JSON encodes a level?

Thank you!  Reassuring to know new pure puzzle games are still being invented.  This is a nice one.