Really cool entry, loved the mechanics and concept the most. I really like the idea of having units who actions are contextual and you need to adapt to what context they are in. Its easy to imagine a full on game with classes stats and all sorts of systems for me which is exciting!
A few rough edges in this game I found tho overall, but its a game jam so like, rough edges are expected and making something like this for a jam is great as is. Still my notes:
- When you first play, you have no idea what the coin choice really means. I assume that coin selection planned to preview the faces, so a minor issue, and once you learn what a class is its a cool choice for starting.
- My first fight didnt include the 1 v 1 very often, so I would basically lose for sure. The game is really hard to win at a number disadvantage (in later fights you have the advantage so it becomes almost too easy instead, perhaps upgrading a set amount of coins would have been more exciting then getting more, or the enemy always match you in coin amount and got harder in other ways)
- Sometimes my coins would be fine and I would just need to sit for the full time, would be nice to end the turn early.
- Only reason I learned about aiming was when I read the instructions, would be nice if there was an arrow under coins to show you the direction they will fly.
- Others mentioned it but 100 HP is sooo much, the fights drag on for a while. Especially since you cant line up everyone to blast someone easily because the coins flying away means they will be moving constantly.
- Felt like reds were intended to be melee, but they missed alot when too close. Greens were the melee fighters funnily enough, felt a bit odd.
Thats all my notes, the game was still fun got up to 6 coins after that you kinda auto win.
The game feels like there is alot of potential in the idea, and I found myself feeling great once I had 3-5 coins in the right place, so once you get past the first 2 fights the game starts clicking and being really fun. The colored rims helped alot with clarity too!
Great work