First of all sorry for quality of my English.
Unfortunately, no. SE more about build this thing and enjoy lags if build a large or multiple bases. (Also rudimentary PVE, they promise some portion with upcoming update, but I don't tried it yet) But can be interesting in MP, especially with using C# to automation. (But also very limited by game API)
I want something more like minecraft sandbox but with main feature like clustered world with unloadable zones with offline progression. (Regrow, some factory elements, respawn=breeding for mobs)
But about derelicts and generated scenarios. (I am egoist and want something surprising even from own game (= )
And yes, I know it's ambitious project and I already have big graveyard of prototypes to figure out various aspects of it. And obviously can't do it from first try. Honestly sometimes I can do a lot and fast especially if formed idea carefully before start to work, but working on hobby projects more than couple of weekends before start a new is rare case for me...
And it's also why I so impressed devs like you. Who can start from small, and find motivation to do it really cool despite to imperfections.