I was just wondering if your thoughts have changed regarding exposing key up/down events? … or perhaps there is a way to accomplish what I’d like to do?
For context, I’m working on a classic NES console-styled RPG with basic controls (d-pad, 2 buttons). I’m going to make it work with mouse/pointer controls regardless (for accessibility), but it would be amazing to control it with the keyboard (which allows for classic controllers to be used with external key mapping applications). Essentially, I’d like to hold down a key to move a character in a given direction on a grid-map (like the movement seen in the path finding tutorial deck). I’m not sure if that is possible though.
I noticed that when shortcut keys are enabled for buttons, the buttons invert when the key is pressed. Even multiple buttons will remain inverted until the keys are released. I believe, up to 6 keys are understood at a time on Win10 OS hardware (the inverting feedback doesn’t always work consistently, but usually 3 keys at a time are tracked properly). I made an alpha-numeric button keyboard in Decker and mashed keys, like a caveman.
I like Decker quite a lot. The lower resolution and limited palette foster creativity, I find. I’ll still work on my RPG regardless of key events being exposed or not. I’m just curious about your thoughts now, being 2 years since your last comment on the matter.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful program!