Aww, cute!
It's a slow process sometimes, don't be too hard on yourself. I've been trying to draw on and off for a while, but this latest batch started...*Checks archive* holy jesus has it been a fucking decade? Yeah, yeah looks like it. Don't let that dishearten you though, I've got a head of rocks when it comes to art. If even I can manage this much, probably almost anyone with basic intelligence and motivation can, and most will probably progress faster. But yeah, just keep cranking, keep trying things. And if you decide to go long-term, look into a simple art program and tablet. You don't have to buy some $1000 Cintiq, basic ones go for like $80 and they're perfectly fine. And digital is GREAT when you're starting out, because you can erase and rework endlessly without fatiguing the paper. Just don't use Photoshop for drawing, terrible when you're trying to do tablet stuff. Everyone has their own thing though, of course. Don't let me steer you away from traditional if you enjoy it. Just try stuff, start simple (VERY simple sometimes) and gradually add on as you go.