So, I saw this game's page and it got me curious... It was nice and quite captivating, but I also felt like the game had the following problems :
1. The gameplay is unclear. I thought this is more of an golf course, but it was more like a bowling ball controlled by sliding your mouse in the direction you want to ball to go. That's not a bad idea, but I felt like it was a bit stressing that I had to make the ball move every time I want to slide to a direction for an accurate target.
2. The snowball seems to bug every time I try to increase it's dimension to maximum. I wanted to see if the ball had some kind of limit in its scale, but after a while it would slide in a random direction with immense speed without even trying to move it.
So, the game was quite cool. Nice and easy to understand, but maybe it needs some more calibration on the snowball control ?
Anyway, my personal ratings for the game are :
Creativity : 5 out of 5
Functionality : 4 out of 5
Enjoyment : 4 out of 5