Thanks so much for the feedback!! It really means a lot. The run animation certainly took a while but paid off, and as for the sounds, they're a mix of free sounds I've found all over the internet. Some were from royalty free sources, a few were from specific creators (listed in the game credits), and some are 100% original created by me.
I've got plans to make swallowing no longer just be the single button press to win so long as you have enough stamina - I'm thinking maybe like a single QTE to see if the swallow is successful? Something like a super brief 1 second window where Mia is holding the struggling enemy in her grip, and she just has to press swallow again at the correct time, shown by like a thin vertical line moving across a target (think roughly how melee attacks worked in Undertale). Wrecking ball could be tuned better to be it's own ability as well - its current state functions as it does largely as a result of it being the quickest way to have gotten that move in. I'll see about improving that sometime soon.
Longer/louder burps is also a frequent request - that one is a little difficult due to available assets. Sound assets I can legally use for burps that are also of a good audio quality (no extra bg noise, no real person vocals that can be heard, etc) and also of a good composition (good mix of bass/treble, sounds similar-ish to the other burps so they don't sound like they're from a different person, and other qualities about the burp) are actually really hard to find - I've even gone around searching through other vore games and asking creators permission to use some of their burp sfx as well. If you know of any good resources for this, I'd be happy to hear them. Beyond that, some of the longer burps can be a little difficult to use just from a gameplay perspective with how they lock the player in place for extended periods of time, so I'm trying to maintain a balance so that game flow doesn't stagnate from constant interruptions from extremely long burps - I'm not opposed to having them, I just have to be careful when and how much they're used.
There will be slosh sfx coming soon to accompany footsteps based on current weight!
I'm planning on adding the ability to consume up to 4 prey eventually, though the plan is for Mia to be immobile at that point. Maybe I will add an ability that allows some limited movement in that state as well - we'll have to see.
Thanks again for the feedback! :)