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A member registered Feb 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for the feedback!! It really means a lot. The run animation certainly took a while but paid off, and as for the sounds, they're a mix of free sounds I've found all over the internet. Some were from royalty free sources, a few were from specific creators (listed in the game credits), and some are 100% original created by me.

I've got plans to make swallowing no longer just be the single button press to win so long as you have enough stamina - I'm thinking maybe like a single QTE to see if the swallow is successful? Something like a super brief 1 second window where Mia is holding the struggling enemy in her grip, and she just has to press swallow again at the correct time, shown by like a thin vertical line moving across a target (think roughly how melee attacks worked in Undertale). Wrecking ball could be tuned better to be it's own ability as well - its current state functions as it does largely as a result of it being the quickest way to have gotten that move in. I'll see about improving that sometime soon.

Longer/louder burps is also a frequent request - that one is a little difficult due to available assets. Sound assets I can legally use for burps that are also of a good audio quality (no extra bg noise, no real person vocals that can be heard, etc) and also of a good composition (good mix of bass/treble, sounds similar-ish to the other burps so they don't sound like they're from a different person, and other qualities about the burp) are actually really hard to find - I've even gone around searching through other vore games and asking creators permission to use some of their burp sfx as well. If you know of any good resources for this, I'd be happy to hear them. Beyond that, some of the longer burps can be a little difficult to use just from a gameplay perspective with how they lock the player in place for extended periods of time, so I'm trying to maintain a balance so that game flow doesn't stagnate from constant interruptions from extremely long burps - I'm not opposed to having them, I just have to be careful when and how much they're used.

There will be slosh sfx coming soon to accompany footsteps based on current weight!

I'm planning on adding the ability to consume up to 4 prey eventually, though the plan is for Mia to be immobile at that point. Maybe I will add an ability that allows some limited movement in that state as well - we'll have to see.

Thanks again for the feedback! :)

What do you mean? 0.7.0, 0.7.1, and 0.8.0 are all available for download. will remain the primary hosting platform for this game for the foreseeable future - I may see about getting the game onto Steam as well, but I plan for it to remain available on pretty much for forever.

(1 edit)

There's a debugger that can be activated with F3 - while active, certain keys will effectively act as cheat codes, like ones that restore your health or give DNA points. The readme file in the download says which keys do what


I'm looking into it, but haven't been able to test super far yet

Check the changelog, there's a LOT more than just new lighting. Besides the 9 months of work reanimating the player, I also rewrote physics and collisions to be less buggy and more optimized, cleaned up animations on a number of enemies, added several new sound effects, added a new predator enemy to the game, completely rewrote enemy AI from scratch so they now consider a FOV cone/sound emmision with consideration towards obstructions/navigation code to follow the player around complex areas/gave them new moves, added a host of new sound effects, and plenty more all detailed in the changelog. The blind drake was temporairly removed because it would have taken longer to get its rework and the update had already been postponed long enough.

Patreon supporters are also the ones who choose which new features get worked on next - currently, they've voted on expanding some of the base mechanics and adding some new powerups. I have had new levels as a voting option the last few polls though. If you'd like to see new levels sooner, you can see about joining voting for those.

In general, my development plan has always been to solidify the foundation of the game as much as possible before developing more levels - reason being that things like platforming mechanics, enemy design, mechanic design, and more ALL change how a level should be designed. If I worked on new levels earlier, I would have had to throw away a significant portion of work due to how mechanics have changed throughout development. We're finally hitting the end of the foundation road though - besides the update I'm currently working on with more new base mechanics, I have I think just 2 or so more updates that don't specifically involve making more levels (one featuring the new blind drake and one featuring the beginning of the game's story mode).

That depends on if I've had to update the save/load script in new updates - I need to update the script any time there are new variables to be saved, such as from new powerups, entities, objects, interactables, and so on. I'll usually note in the changelog if I've had to update the save/load script. If you want to quickly regain lost progress, you can use the debugger to give yourself DNA points as well as do a couple other things - check the readme file for detailed info

What happened before getting this error?

What's the error say?

Currently I'm adding a few more core mechanics (some extra melee attacks, upgrades, wall jumping, maybe ledge grabbing), but new levels are definitely planned soon after

I'm going to be upgrading the debugger functionality soon with stuff like that

That's odd, it still works fine for me - maybe you can try downloading on a different device then moving the file to a computer?


It's absolutely something I want to look into, but there are a few hurdles I have to clear first

Hopefully someday, but it will require literal tens of thousands of extra frames of animation just to get 2 extra weight levels in

It will be out sometime this month for patrons, and then the public update here on itch will follow a couple weeks after, depending on how many bug reports I get

Still in development, this update has just taken extra long because all the player sprites are being overhauled, and the player has several thousand frames of animation

Possibly, I'll have to see if the engine I use allows exporting for web (and if my engine license allows for it)

I'm hoping to add weight gain eventually, but there are currently some 4,000+ frames of animation for the player and each weight level I add will basically mean making an additional 4,000+ frames per weight level, so it will be a while

Exactly, need to make sure I've got all other animations finalized before considering making weight gain ones so I don't have to redo so much!

Oral vore will be the main form of vore for things in the game, though if modders want to create alternate animations for things like anal vore it should be simple enough (technically just an alternate "swallow" animation I believe). I don't know if I personally will add alternate forms of vore like that, but if I do it will be an optional thing, and it will only come after the entity gets oral vore capabilities.

Not sure when, it'll have to come after the majority of main development is done, but I'll definitely be looking into it

I'll be doing some tweaks for bones in the future, such as making sure a skull is generated for each enemy, as well as having some other things that can be burped up, like clothes and armor or items. Beyond that I'm not sure, it's too early to say.

Weight gain is something I'm planning, but it will be a long while before it's added as it will require a TON more sprites, something in the realm of 10,000 new frames of animation if I have just 2 extra weight levels.

Its been taking a while due to the overhaul of all the player sprites (some 4,000-5,000 frames), but I've been getting fairly close to finishing - the update should be ready for Patreon supporters sometime in April, with the public update coming not too long after that

I'd love to do alternate character skins, but the current character is already going to have around 5,000 frames of animation when all is said and done - if I made more characters, it'd be a LOT more animating. I would still like to add male alternates at some point though, but it may depend on if I can find more animators to help out.

This is about what I'll be doing, but immobility will be at full 4 - the sprite count has already gotten a bit too out of hand for another size, and honestly I'm not sure how to animate running with a size 4 belly lol

I'm not yet sure, but it's something I'll be looking into in the future - I'll have to look into licensing for my game engine and making sure the game is optimized enough to be able to run on mobile devices.

Thank you so much!! There's still lots to come so I'm glad you're enjoying it already as it is :)

Yeah, I exchanged words with them at one point many months back, and they agreed that they'd credit me and list the game's name in the description, which they did for a couple videos, but that has since disappeared again. I've been looking in to issuing copyright strikes, but I'm not yet totally sure whether or not those can be used in this instance. It's an issue I'm certainly looking in to though.

Thanks for notifying me though and thank you for your support!! I'm glad you enjoy the game :)

I've seen this collision bug a few times in the past - I've since reworked the collision system in the current build and I believe I've fixed most instances of this issue, so by the time the public version here is updated this issue should be gone!

Thank you!! The animations have been a lot of work but I'm glad they're paying off

I'll be shifting it to be an upgrade like the rest of the abilities, and you'll eventually be able to go up to 4 prey

There will be several more types of predators in the game later, most will be focused on oral vore (maybe absorbtion in cases of slime enemies). I'm not sure what you mean by patches in the next update, and I'm not sure about transportation methods either yet. There will be other ammo types and ways to upgrade the gun, as well as other firing functions.

I'll be adding up to 4 capacity soon, I don't think mods exist that increase capacity yet. Thank you though!

AppData -> Local -> v_platformer

Thank you!!

Not yet - however, you may be able to run it on the Steam Deck if you run windows on it, which I believe the Deck can do

Figured out the issue, the fix will be in the next update