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These rule! I love the style they're made in. It gives me a very warm and fuzzy nostalgia for some of my favorite RPG Maker resources from the rm2k/rm2k3 era of circa 2002-2006.

If these had been available 4-6 years ago when I was working on Live Free Or Die/Spirt of '76 I would have used the hell out of them and the project would have been greatly enhanced thereby (the latter was using these, which are great but extremely limited in variety of characters available and quite stylistically distinct from any other sprites available). 

Wow. Thank you so much for the compliments! The positivity is very appreciated right now.

I was inspired by the same era of RM2K/3 as well as the pixel art games I grew up with. Do you remember Don Miguel’s 2k and 2k3 edits? Loved those. Haha. I’m so old.

I get what you mean about the assets you wound up with, they are very nice but don’t have that classic pixel feel. I feel like my stuff is pretty easy to edit and work off of for budding pixel artists or just ppl who can cut a few pixels or copy/paste a hairstyle when push comes to shove.

I hope you keep me in mind for your next project!

Keep you in mind? I absolutely will! Yes, I am the same Legion that's been around since about 2002 (Iron Gaia, Backstage, etcetera, in around 2006 at the age of 20 I helped judge the Misao awards) so I remember that era quite well. Actually I ran into Don Miguel himself on Twitter last year and we followed each other. What a blast from the past! Specifically, your stuff reminds me of the "future" assets for OG rm2k used in the 2k thru XP era Japanese sample game KNight-Blade, which were famously used in A Blurred Line (which I still venerate and adore). 

I can't pixel from scratch to save my life, but at this point I have over two decades of experience with what we used to call "frankenspriting", so I've become a deft hand at that pseudo-skill.

I remember A Blurred Line! Unfortunately I don’t remember a lot of the names from back in the day. I was in a satellite RPGmaker proboard community, but not the main one(s). Do you remember The Way? That game was like this specter that haunted me for years but I lost track of it and couldn’t find it anymore (if it ever updated past where I was – long time ago now haha). Such a cool idea.

I also started w/ frankenspriting. Perfectly valid skill that a lot of pixel artists just happen to also have for the same reasons we do. I used to be a teacher (before COVID) and I’ve done a little teaching and tutoring w/ pixel art. I find the resources out there to help people learn are usually just the raw basics over and over. I used to try and see if other pixel artists would help me develop a curriculum (lessons, activities, etc) to create a free and open source pixel art course. No one bit – probably because a lot of them were developing paid courses. I don’t know how good or worthwhile those are, but I can’t begrudge most peoples’ attempts to get paid in this space. It’s not easy.

I do remember The Way! I remember having my mind blown by it in like 2004. I also mentioned it on r/rpgmaker just the other day.

At this point after decades of RM obsession, my collection of other people's pixels is so vast and well curated (organized not just by type, format, and style but also by what I have the rights to use commercially and artist credits) that learning to pixel myself would almost feel like wasted effort. Also to be honest I've never had even the slightest artistic aptitude or inclination, no drawing experience whatsoever outside of doodling (very, very badly) in grade school, some people can draw a more or less perfect circle freehand but I'm one of those people in the other extreme who genuinely struggles to draw a straight line using a ruler. I did take five or six months last year to finally learn GODOT, and that WAS a good investment of time. 

I can cludge together just about anything I need from my archive of (*checks notes*) 23.1 GB in 292,012 files across 23,481 folders of game dev assets plus the stuff on here (with new stuff coming out all the time, this website is pretty great) I haven't yet hoarded. My current project is the first one in recent memory to not use either character sprites nor tilesets at all as it's a first person turn based dungeon crawler/JRPG/VN hybrid, but I'm still (enjoyably) spending tons of dev time "frankenspriting" the VN style busts and front view enemy graphics.

Amen to the rest of what you've said. The people actually making something like a living in this space definitely seem like the ones selling assets, not the ones actually making games. It's a real "if you want to make money during a gold rush, don't pan for gold, sell picks and shovels" type deal. Anyway sorry to fill up your page with mostly irrelevant words, but thanks for chatting!

I am enjoying our chat. If you wanna talk more, I’d be happy to connect over email or discord sometime.

I can relate to the organization you describe. I’m the same way. I don’t have the breadth of resources you do, though. I have lost stuff over the years, burnt out HDDs or stolen laptops, and rebuilt or refound portions but never all and kinda limped around until I started doing it myself again during COVID. This time, for whatever reason, it stuck. Coding has never stuck like that for me, but I’ve spent a lot of time trying to master that skill too. Not in the cards.

What’s funny about it is I have experience in pretty well every other aspect of game dev. Some of it professional. But I’ll never be a coder.