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A member registered Jun 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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I somehow missed this! Hahaha!

Thank you! I would love to see anything you do and I can even offer feedback and advice if you need it as I work in game dev and I’ve done a whole lot of pixelin’.

What a nice message! Thanks!

Also, yes, you are free to edit the sprites for your project. A lot of people have done things like taken a hairstyle from a character sprite and swapped it with another sprite. There’s probably a whole lot you can do w/ these item sprites just by tweaking things like color.

Embarrassing! Haha. :P You’re absolutely right and I kinda wondered if keeping two different update tracks for a pack like this would come back to bite my butt. Today is that day.

Basically, it happened because I had a sprite-based update history (shared with Nine Realms) and the update history for the packs themselves. This, my friend, is a recipe for confusion and wildly inconsistent naming conventions.

Entirely my bad and sorry for any inconvenience. I’ll use incremental version numbers from here on out! If you notice anything wonky like this again, don’t hesitate to mention it.

I’ll have to try the demo! Thanks for sharing, it looks like a very cool and multi-faceted project with a lot of ambitious ideas!

Cool! Is it going to be on itch as well? I can add it to the collection of projects that use my stuff!

(1 edit)

Ah yep. I also enlarge most of my stuff when I use RPGMMZ rather than use the native 16x16 but I can’t remember why, been doing it so long.

The way I put tiles together in the tilesets, it SHOULD be intuitive what’s supposed to go where – but I’m always interested in feedback cuz I don’t want these things to be confusing haha. This is also why I am now including my mockups in the packs. If you haven’t yet, please download v2 of the Streets pack which should include them. They may help you with any tricky tiles or objects and how to place them.

Cheers! Your characters look very charming!

Hi there. I don’t think I’ve seen an email from ya, unless it was under a different name?

Anyways… yes, this tileset doesn’t have autotiles. Autotiles are nice but they take forever to make and I personally prefer not to use them so I don’t make them too often. If enough people wanted them though…

So the way RPG Maker MZ works, you have to set your resolution and pixel size manually. It defaults to 48x48 so you may need to resize the sprites (I can help with this if you need it) but you can also set it to 16x16 in the System Menu for your game project in RPG Maker MZ.

Once you’ve got the right size in, you need to create a tileset in RPGMMZ and use the art you bought from me. You don’t need a specific tileset or autotiles for this to work – the tilesets just need to be the right size and they need to be imported correctly. RPGMMZ creates a larger tileset from several tileset layers so the way I format my packs follows suit.

Again, let me know if you’re stuck on this. It can take getting used to.

It’s definitely something to think about. I appreciate your point of view and I’ll announce or something if and when I do offer the templates but in the meantime I’ll think about adding some animations to at least some of the sprites (“heroes”, like you suggested) after the next Nine Realms thing I’m doing (it’s portraits!).

I hear you. You’d basically like a way to, SDV-like, show an item the character is carrying once they’ve picked it up. Some of which, they’d be picking up by swinging a tool at it like cracking a rock or cutting down a tree.

The main thing would be selecting which characters to provide animations like that for. How do you feel about editing sprites – say you had an animation template w/ a blank sprite and you could mix and match whatever body/clothes art and hair/face you liked from my stuff? I have been wondering if it would help my customers to have templates but I’ve also been reluctant to sell templates as I’ve heard some horror stories about what people wind up doing with them haha.

Cool. Can you elaborate on the kinds of animations a project like yours would need? It will help me to have a note about it so that I can focus my efforts when I start adding things. I may even get going sooner instead of later, pushed on by your interest haha.

Thank you! I am hoping to expand more along the lines of what you’re suggesting. It takes time, a lot for me, but I’ll eventually add more animations once I figure out the right approach.

It’s interesting to think about someone using the Nine Realms content for a Stardew Valley game. In the tileset, I have a few prop sprites that represent common medieval Scandinavian crops and a “growth cycle” from tilled earth to the full plant. Some kind of general interaction animation with some additional item/icon sprites might be all someone needs to at least START a Harvest Moon/SDV style game with these assets.


Thanks! I somehow missed this comment!

Right on! I have the other four sets just about ready for release, gonna drop one every two weeks so I can keep some sales going all the while.

I do have a theme called “Offworld Colonies” that is in the early stages. It won’t be ready for some time, though. It will have more space themed stuff. As for robots, that is a good idea. I have given some thought to making a robot pack for this theme and probably will in the future. Retro Cybercity does have robots, it’s just that what you’re seeing for the most part aren’t robots but androids. An example of a robot in the theme would be the serving robots in the “Vendors” tileset.

Keep an eye on my stuff. Because of your interest, I’ll try to do some of these things sooner rather than later if possible.

Lots of fun stuff coming.

It’s a good idea and it’s going on the to-do list.

No idles at present. Not a bad idea to add idle animations to a future update, though. What did you have in mind for the actual animation?

It’s always all four directions with my sprites. I just showcase front sprites to keep the gifs simpler and because front view gives a pretty good idea what a sprite looks like. That said, this isn’t the first time someone’s double-checked that so maybe I should start including screenshots that show off all 4 directions haha. Cheeres right back at ya!

Cool. I’ll watch for that!

Hey! Thank you so much!

For the multiple viewing angles thing, do you mean props in tileset packs? Reason I ask is I’m not currently planning on doing different angles for the portraits. I decided on the “face forward” style after some experimentation and it was consistently the way that gave best results.

But if you mean props and such, do you have specific ones in mind?

As for cybernetic stuff… again, do you mean for the portraits? A few do have visible modifications on their faces. If you mean more generally like tilesets and props, the Vendors pack does have props, tiles, and a few bonus NPCs specifically for “cyberdoc” style needs. I would like to do more with this in the future. Early on, I wasn’t sure how heavy to lean into cyborg stuff but it became a big part of the Gangs pack where more characters are cyborgs and stuff. The portraits for those guys will be interesting!

Lastly, I’m not sure what you mean by “high rider”… do you mean one of the gangs? I’m not sure if I’ll add space content for Retro Cybercity although I’d say that to the extent I’m trying to represent a coherent universe (which my customers are free to ignore), there IS space development in the background. I do have a theme I’m planning that is heavily inspired by 80s space movies, Starfield, etc which will be called Offworld Colonies. That is down the road a ways but might be more what you’re looking for?

The very next big release I’m doing is a new theme as well. Hint: zombies.

Sorry, I missed this comment! I can do that but they will be stationary, animated props and not full spritesheets w/ movement.

(1 edit)

I get some of that but it seems you may want packs that are specific to some of these kinds of locations when really the better way for me to go as an artist is to provide assets that can be used for these kinds of environments within larger, more general packs. I believe I’ve done that for half your list: weapon shop, disco, supermarket, at the very least are easy to make if you have the Vendors Pack and Interior Pack (the first tileset I ever released haha).

A school is an interesting idea I hadn’t considered and I can see how there could be more props that help with places like clothing stores or coffee shops as there aren’t necessarily props (yet) that evoke some of that.

So maybe what would help you most is if I added a range of new assets to the Vendors pack or some other pack that reflect more of what you’re talking about: school desks, clothing store racks, coffee shop stuff, etc. These specific ideas are very useful and very easy to add to an existing pack because a lot of it isn’t really enough to make a whole pack around. Got no problem adding some extra stuff, I just don’t prioritize it since I tend to move around my projects a lot and I don’t usually get specific requests.

If you have a list of PROPS as opposed to whole packs in mind, let’s hear it. I can always use some indication of what people would like to see added and like I said, got no problem adding some extra stuff to packs you’ve probably already purchased!

I think I mentioned before that the previously released Street Exterior Pack should have what you need. But maybe I’m not sure what you exactly mean by “outdoor architecture”. If you give me a bit of a description, detailed as possible, I can see about making sure you’re not waiting much longer.

Haha yeah. It is like the white whale of this theme. I crack away at it every so often but I’m never satisfied. Right now, I could release it with only a couple of car variants and some mech suits but I really want it to be worthwhile on release.

More people ask, faster I’ll do it. Anything in particular you’re hoping to see?

Thank YOU! Haha. Pack 3 coming soon!

It’ll be out by then for sure haha. Probably within the next 2 weeks. Got something else in the works too…

This is frickin’ cute!

Pack 2 is out. Pack 3 will be out before Xmas.

I don’t have autotiles in this theme but that is something I will eventually add. I have some beginning stages plans to update the whole theme to be more RPGmaker compatible out of the box. When I do that, I’ll add autotiles where appropriate. I wish I could say it would be soon but I’m pretty slow in general (this is a side-gig for now) so expect this update down the line somewhere. Early 2024?

That said, I appreciate the suggestion a lot. I have always wondered if I should have just ate the extra time and made this all more RPGmaker compatible to begin with. At the time, I was working in Unity a lot but in the last year I’ve been doing A LOT of RPGmaker stuff so I’ve definitely become more comfortable with how they format tilesets and whatnot. I also tried to make Nine Realms compatible, including autotiles, but this did not seem to boost sales so I have opted to save myself time and not try it again. I made that decision over a year ago, however, so it seems time to revisit it.

If more people speak up in support of this idea, I’ll definitely make it a bigger priority. I am interested in what users want to see in these packs but I’m fairly small still so there isn’t a whole lot of feedback or requests like yours.

Thanks again!

So a few assets and NPCs for a pizza parlor, one of the NPCs should be holding a pizza box, and a new job for the robo servers haha.

No need to hire me unless you want a lot of specifics. In that case, we can talk about a commission arrangement of some kind. Credit is always appreciated though. For example, you get the credit for this idea and the rest of the purchasers of the pack will benefit from the extra content.

I’ll see what I can come up with. Stay tuned.

That’s a great idea. I can add a few new tiles and props to this pack. I can think of some obvious things like pizza statics, ovens, maybe a vending machine for pizza or other stuff, but furniture and wall/floor are probably doable with the existing tiles. Any other requests for specific elements of the parlour you’d like to see?


Oh it’s happening. They’re done. They just aren’t as polished as these quite yet since I’ve done several polish passes on this pack while experimenting. A little while ago, I knew I’d have to split the portraits into smaller packs for the reasons I mentioned. This pack took priority but the second pack will be along very soon and even the “gang” sprite pack will get portraits in the near future. After that, probably do portraits for the Nine Realms content as well.

Thanks for mentioning this, though. It’s always good to know what people are interested in seeing!

Thanks Hydra! It took me a while to get them polished but I’m glad I went with it after we had that convo about it!

Very nice work.


Do you mean in the tiles, not props? There are “sidewalk” tiles with bright blue dashes and dotted lines, these are just meant to be fancy sidewalk “tech” like lighting or to suggest networking running through everything.

There are also road-paint tiles that are either weathered (chipped, broken up) or clean (no breaks, just clean lines) that are meant for roads, yes.

I probably should have included the sidewalk tiles as part of a mockup to demonstrate their purpose more clearly but I hope this answers your question!

The detail on your alchemy kit props is astounding. Very nice work here.