So here´s what I think so far, No I will not Rate it YET, this comes after I played the Final Game (rating Demos is kind of pointless)
First Of, damn must be a really well optimised Game, I am on an I7 9700k, RTX 2060 (6 GB VRAM) and 16 GB DDR4 Ram.
So how does my RTX 2060 with only 6GB Vram stack up against Unreal Engine 5 which is notoriously hard to run especially on older Cards:
I could run this on 40 FPS on High to Medium Settings most of the Time, really damn Impressive for such old Hardware.
Yep had to cap the Framerate on NVIDEA Controllpanel and add VSync there as well because Ingame Vsync toggle didn´t work for me.
So It should run well for most People, don´t be afraid of using medium or even low Settings, Game still looks pretty good on there.
Very nice P.T. inspired Game just like the Hollow hills Apartment teaser before it.
Pretty good Texture work and nice Special effects.
The props also did get a really nice bump up from the old Unreal Engine 3 Version, I like it. Pretty solid Sound design as well.
I also hope you add more Puzzles for the final Game to shake Things up and give the Grudge Lady (yeah that´s what I call her) some Space to shine.
It has some minor Bugs like flickering Textures here and there but nothing serious (maybe because of low VRAM).
I only found one noteworthy Bug: A black Groundtexturebug in Player Character Reflection here a Screenshot of it: And yes this Black Texture follows the Player Character when moving.
Of course could be because of low VRAM as well.
I know this is an in Development Demo and is not representative of the Final Game, just wanted to mention that.
So that are my Thoughts on it now, Pretty nice I must say. I am looking forward to the Final Game.
So Cheers and have a nice one!!!