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A member registered Jul 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi, just wanted to tell you: I have not forgotten about your Request, it is a bit more tough to find than I thought...

But don´t take this wrong: I am still very confident  that I will be able to reupload this one sooner or later.

I just ask you to be a bit more patient...  Sylvio 2 Prototype took me 7 years to find btw...

And sorry for my rude Answer before, didn´t sleep  much that day...

Yeah... I felt this Guy had a lot of Talent... 

(4 edits)

I don´t have them unfortunately... 

but they are not that much different from the 0.8 Version I have uploaded. 

I think they have the Area 51 Radio call am i right??? And in the Moment something throws a Ball at you, there is a Placeholder Modell placed in the Corridor.

It´s everyone´s favorite Bubonic Outbreak Zombie Modell.

Looks really goofy so I understand why the Dev removed this from 0.8.

(3 edits)

Forget everything i wrote here before.

Yes they are the same... When you buy the Deluxe Edition of Hello Neighbor 2 on Steam you get the Beta on Top of it, it is called HN2 playtest there... So stupid... HN2 playtest IS THE Hello Neighbor 2 Beta!!!

Got confused before, because a Fan Game used the exact same Name... My bad!!!

Giant Pain in the Butt I tell you...


HI... I just wanted to tell you I have reuploaded this Prototype Demo to my Itchio page. 

Are you okay with this??? I know kind of scummy first uploading than asking... A simple Answer would be nice. If you are not I will delete my page permanently, Don´t worry!!!

And no hard Feelings!!!

Here is my complete Playthrough of the Early Access Version:

Overall pretty good!!!.

Hey... have bought the Early Access Version on Steam:

Expect my promised Review very soon!!! I will also upload my Video Playthrough here when I am done.

(1 edit)

Should be obvious. This page right here is called the "ULTIMATE ALPHA COLLECTION" for a Reason. When I can find one I will even add Hello Neighbor BETA 1.1 here, because this fixes a lot of Bugs from the Version I uploaded here already.

A Link to whatever Source you have is good enough... Thanks.

I know about the Beta of Hello Neighbor 2, wanted to wait and  upload alongside the first Prototype of HN3, need to make sure it has no DRM first.

(2 edits)

I have now uploaded a Windows only Version with everything applied already. Just download both Files Haunted Memories (Ep2 included Windows only).7z.001 and Haunted Memories (Ep2 included Windows only).7z.002, unpack them and launch the exe.

If this works this just means you didn´t follow my Instructions correctly. Than Have Fun playing Episode 2 now...

If this didn´t work than we have another Case on why Gaming  on a Laptop sucks because this is most likely another Compabiltiy Issue.  

(2 edits)

Have you really applied everything correctly???

I assume you didn´t apply the Episode 2 patch correctly.

And one more Thing: instead of wasting my Time only showing the bare Minimum show me a Screenshot of your Gamefolder, your Screenshot does not help at all.

I don´t mean to be inpolite.

It is just a Fact when Troubleshooting a Problem  on PC you need to show everything even without asking, otherwise I can´t help you.

Download both Files Hello Neighbor Bendymod.7z.001 and Hello Neighbor Bendymod.7z.002 (they are linked together)

Than make sure both are at the same Location and unpack with a Software like 7zip.

If you have no Clue what I am talking about watch my Tutorial Video:

(3 edits)

Yeah that explains it... This Demo is most likely not compatible with your Laptop. I am sorry...

Laptop Components are different than Desktop components...

I mean it might be possible to make it work but... this will be a tremendous Task I don´t think  anyone will bother making a Fix for an outdated Demo.

Damn this sucks... I wish I could help you... But i can´t...

And thanks for your kind Words... Means a lot!!!

I see what I can do... No Promises!!!

Have downloaded my Build here on Itchio again just to make  sure the Files are OK.

Have absolutely zero Issues, I am unable to replicate your Issue.

So I am pretty sure the Issue lies in your PC-Build somewhere.

Driver Issue, Hardware Issue (i hope you are not on a Laptop).

Your PC-specs would be nice to know, because even my old Windows 7 Rig with a GTX 970 has zero Issues. 8GB DDR3 Ram and I7 3770 3,4 Ghz.

My second Windows 10 PC Rig with a RTX 2060 also  has zero Issues. 16 GB DDR4 Ram and I7 9700k 4,7 Ghz.

(4 edits)

Weird... can you post a Screenshot here...

I did not encounter this not even once...

But that the Final Game runs without issues means nothing  because the Demo is an older Build  that did not get updated in years.

Could be a Compability issue that was fixed    in the Final Game.

(4 edits)

Okay I know this is confusing so:

Hello Guest Prototype came first than the Hello Guest alpha 1 Hello neighbor 2 pre Alpha comes after it. 

Was first called Hello Guest alpha 1 but than renamed  to Hello Guest alpha 1 Hello neighbor 2 pre alpha, dumb Name if you ask me and confusing...

Hello Guest pre Alpha is according to Wiki a Trailer Build  of Hello Guest Alpha 1, I am pretty sure you see this Build in the Announcement Trailer:

probably another Namechange,  can happen a lot during Development. Alpha 1 seems to be more polished  than Trailer version but Content appears to be the same.

Is Unreleased so you should look for Fanremakes instead.

Oh... was too late... My bad... But still Great. Now you know what to do right???


So do this:

Okay I know what I am gonna do now.... I show you a Video what you are supposed to do!!!

This should work right... So be patient... be right back!!!

(1 edit)

Too bad English is not your native Language otherwise I would be able to say to you that you have to download all 5 Parts make sure all 5 of them are in the same Location and unpack with a Software like 7zip.

I assume your Jibberish means you only downloaded  the first part of the Five.

Am i correct?

Oh my... Google Translate will butcher this anyway... Why did I even bother?

(3 edits)

Pre Release is not allowed here, is the Final Game kind of, this will get taken down. Hello Neighbor 2 Beta... I might upload this here in the Future....

Sorry Keeping Track of all the Alphas and Betas is confusing...


(1 edit)

If you can look past a few rough Edges and the disgusting real 911 Call, still makes me angry.

But still I thought it was promising, what a Shame what happened to it.

No. Of course not.

You´re welcome, More will come...

(6 edits)

So here´s what I think so far, No I will not Rate it YET, this comes after I played the Final Game (rating Demos is kind of pointless)

First Of, damn must be a really well optimised Game, I am on an I7 9700k, RTX 2060 (6 GB VRAM) and 16 GB DDR4 Ram.

So how does my RTX 2060 with only 6GB Vram stack up against Unreal Engine 5 which is notoriously hard to run especially on older Cards:

I could run this on 40 FPS on High to Medium Settings most of the Time, really damn Impressive for such old Hardware.

Yep had to cap the Framerate on NVIDEA Controllpanel and add VSync there as well because Ingame Vsync toggle didn´t work for me.

So It should run well for most People, don´t be afraid of using medium or even low Settings, Game still looks pretty good on there.

Very nice P.T. inspired Game just like the Hollow hills Apartment teaser before it. 

Pretty good Texture work and nice Special effects.

The props also did get a really nice bump up from the old Unreal Engine 3 Version, I like it. Pretty solid Sound design as well.

I also hope you add more Puzzles for the final Game to shake Things up and give the Grudge Lady (yeah that´s what I call her) some Space to shine.

It has some minor Bugs like flickering Textures here and there but nothing serious (maybe because of low VRAM).

I only found one noteworthy Bug: A black Groundtexturebug in Player Character Reflection here a Screenshot of it: And yes this Black Texture follows the Player Character when moving.

Of course could be because of low VRAM as well.

I know this is an in Development Demo and is not representative of the Final Game, just wanted to mention that.

So that are my Thoughts on it now, Pretty nice I must say. I am looking forward to the Final Game.

So Cheers and have a nice one!!!

Still mad huh... I AM TOO!!!

(2 edits)

Oh my God... So that´s what happened to the good old Hollow Hills Department Teaser from 2016 which is still up on Indiedb by the Way if you are interested.

So you could say that one is a Prototype of this Game or am I wrong here???

Holy Moly... I just looked at this Game for 5 Seconds and immediately recognized the House Asset. But i was still like maybe a Coincidence nothing more...

Than after the first Loop I was MINDBLOWN: HELL YEAH Just like in the Hollow Hills Department Teaser Definitely not a Coincidence!!!

In any case have already wishlisted this Game on Steam, looks damn awesome. So I am really looking forward to this one.

Wish you all the best!!!

Yeah but not entirely, Pay close Attention in some Scenes they are still there!!!

(4 edits)

Yep, 1.3 and 1.4 are almost the same. The old Build is either 1.1 or 1.2, i have forgotten (that´s what happens when you repack old demos and forgot to proberly name them).

The Cutscene Map is still up on the original Itchio page  so No don´t need to reupload yet... But I have Copies just in case it get´s deleted in the Future.

Have Fun!!!

Wow, so cool. Looking forward for the Updates. I will check Perpetuo out as well.

And thanks for the Answer and I wish you the best for the Future!!!

Oh WOW!!! Don´t think I haven´t noticed you reused the Radiomessage from RE77 0.9 (probably rerecorded)

I always thought you should have stuck with the looping Hallway Idea, the Forest one ... I don´t know, didn´t feel it.

And this Game by the Way is awesome, A really nice B-Movie Horror game.

Glad I could help!!!

(2 edits)

I am not the Developer of this Game, but I will reupload more Demos that are like this in the Future (Believe Me, there are Tons of these Demos out there),

Oh damn, have now realised that you may not speak English. Sorry for that...

I hope Google Translate doesn´t butcher this...

Much appreciated!!!

(1 edit)

Oh yeah. I remember this one as well.

Unfortunately there was never anything playable there (if my Memory still serves me right, the Page was only up for a few Weeks). 

Only the Main page was there with no Downloads or anything. (yeah have misrememberd this one, MY BAD!!!)

Probably was cancelled alongside RE77.

Added Stuff: Wow I never knew it had a playable Build there as well. Damn!!! I am not a Fan of Demos you have to pay for but this might be worth tracking down.

Was really a pain in the butt, I tell you.

Yep. It´s like i said a week ago. Sometimes the only thing you need to do is Wait. Or be at the right place at the right time.

Feel free to give me more Suggestions of Lost Demo´s.