You can use alt F4 to close the game
And hmm, thought the minotaur was good enough
Having played some more and tested my own theory. I saw that she did not die to a single black knight. It usually takes multiple enemies to bring her down swiftly. I still think it would be nice if she survived a bit more. As again, she costs 75 energy. But I also understand it would be hard to properly balance a character. That is made to be a heavy-hitter and has regenerative capabilities.
If no stat boosts. I'd argue that at least lowering the costs would suffice. Down to 65, dare I say, even down to 60. It mostly depends on how 'OP' this character is supposed to be. IS she supposed to be 100% worth the high cost? OR is she supposed to be just a more expensive and better version of the centaur?
Aside from my picky ramblings. I also noticed Eze seems to enjoy suddenly having no desires to fight. I'm not sure what all causes this to happen. But 1 reason seems to be simply placing another Eze on the field? Another seems to be that they simply don't 'care' for any enemies aside from those who have ranged attacks. Which obviously is not good cause she do be squishy (in more ways than 1).
Finally. The slime girl is also squishy, in both forms. Unless you can somehow hold a group of enemies in front of her. When she's been separated. Then she will not ever stand a chance at reforming into her fully formed self(s).