The game is super funny punching the all the crazy things. Hilarious concept and the low poly looks great here. The music with the honks in the background are hilarious! Punching Karen's with a Jacked Goose? Sign me up. Some critique I have is just around your controller. 1. I think you want to have a little bit of inertia when moving and jumping. Trying to parkour to the floating purple package was difficult not because of challenge but because most of your momentum just stopped upon hitting jump. A little bit of "coyote time" for jumps can also help. Specifically on web if I hit "ESC" to unfullscreen the game I wasn't able to get the screen to re-grab my mouse when I clicked again.
I think the premise is great, punching and screeching with the goose was hilarious. Work on polishing up the controller and it'll be a good time!
Great job y'all!