I really liked the concept of this game, but have a few pieces of feedback:
- The description says we're working to infect an entire floor, but every level is a new floor. Maybe change the goal to conquering an entire office building?
- It's not clear from the jump that you can only choose one skill tree to level up. I would expect to have to level up multiple types of skills to progress.
- I can level up the entire tree I select within the first three levels. This is probably too fast.
- The reason I can level up entirely is because the anti-virus is always working on one computer, there's no possible way (that I can find) to infect all computers at the same time. Without an anti-virus cooldown, there will always be one partially disinfected computer.
- It's unclear how a computer virus can "stop" the employee from helping the anti-virus. And I don't exactly want it to. I want the anti-virus to take longer to give me time to infect the other computers. The employee helping it go faster is actually helping my cause.
- I don't think some of the skill tree effects are working. For instance, I'm supposed to be able to randomly infect one other computer, but that doesn't happen.
Like I said, I really like the idea. I could see myself playing a clicker like this for a while, but it needs a little more work to get there!