Heyo! Artsy here. I just to upfront say that you did a pretty damn good job with your mechanics, the types of enemies you threw at the player, and the time you took to balance the map out with those mechanics/enemies in mind. While I was opposed to the turret ammo-makers being on the opposite sides of the map, I actually really appreciate that choice, as it really does feel like dodging and weaving your way through the hordes of enemies to juggle those two engines. I also thought that it was pretty smart that you could cancel the spawning of enemies by dashing through their spawn portals. as it was a neat way to deal with having too many "unkillable' guys roaming about making a mess.
There was a tech (that I will be dubbing "ghost cancelling"), that helped me to survive for longer which basically entails ghosting, dashing, and then calling it back, then repeating. I think it utilizes the fact that you dash resets on enemy kill? It really helps to reposition yourself to a position that is more advantageous, and if this was an unintended bug then I would consider making it a feature.
It was very satifsfying to use the dashing mechanic, as the enemies always lended themselves nicely to lining up in straight lines. The artstyle was also very lovely :)
Somethings that I noticed that could use some work though were that the dash, as it would often get stuck on corners when I tried lining up a shot, which isn't great when you need to work within the tight corners of those generator rooms. Also, I kinda get that the turret was the final thing you needed to kill the final enemy types, but it felt kind of disconnected from the gameplay loop.. Could have just been the way I played, which was to gather enough ammo to fill the turret (cause I thought you needed to fill it to actually use it.. just needed to hold down the mouse button ;-;), and shot until i won. You might want to consider removing the delay between holding the fire button and actual shooting, as the delay totally messes up with the quick pacing of the juggling act that your gameplay thrives on.
Overall, i'm very impressed you did this in 2 weeks! It's very polished gameplay wise, and has a bunch of animations.. I could never lol.
Great work and I wish you good luck!!