Don't panic! There's only 9 treasures. You get 5 points for finding a treasure (a body part) and 5 points for returning it to the treasure room (the laboratory), i.e. 10 points per treasure.
To update the status bar colours, change status_bar_paper (for the background) and status_bar_pen (for the text) in the colors{} block in your custom theme. Just as an example, this is what I used in Igor's Quest:
colors {There are lots of other colours that can be changed. To see the full range, temporarily comment out "extends = two" (assuming you're using that) and use Ctrl+Space inside the colors{} block.
exit_list_header_pen = #99f
inventory_header_pen = #99f
status_bar_paper = #336
status_bar_pen = 15
yousee_header_pen = #99f
prompt_pen = #99f
textbox_pen = 15