Finally managed to beat it, this first post itself showed my fundamental misunderstanding of your game.
I was never meant to go on the attack, the slime you can fight just by staying still and hitting it when it approaches, the golem is wait and dodge. The wizard I feel is a different game, since it is asking for my multitasking ability of watching for hazards while remembering the colors that flashed a few seconds ago (I don't think this is very fun, to be honest. When there's six of them I felt I was just gambling on a 50/50 rather than properly engaging with the games mechanics. The incoming attack and the portal it came from being purple and the attack being homing really is "you either remember that or you get hit," which is overly favorable to the boss, considering its his only attack. In a way, reminds me of malenia's sword dance)
Other than that, I'd like to ask, the core nature of the game is being passive. Slime and golem alike, you're on the offensive only when they're down (and the golem arguably makes you choose whether to focus on attacking and take a risk on being hit by beyblade head due to a poor timing, or time your attacking with the beyblade to deal a little less damage but taking none too). I think there are few games that make you so passive mechanically, as players mostly want to be active when gaming. Was this dichotomy intentional, you really wanted to make the sit on the passive role since it's a thing you don't do much (teaching patience is a virtuous job), or was it incidental as you designed the core concepts of the game?