I liked the movement and animation. I think the art was very nice looking. What would give some extra juice to it would be details to some textures here and there, like on floor and the black gap on floor. It was quite hard to understand the mechanics at first and I felt like I needed somekind of indication on what to do. I know there was info on the page but I forgot it immediately (that's my bad sorry) and I had to check it out again.
I went through the first scene inside the building and then I didn't know what to do so I got whacked by them bad dudes (that's on me also). There was some nice puzzles - I liked the "calibrating"-the-turret-to-hit-the-destructable-wall -puzzle like a lot! I think this could be very good game after polishing.
And one big thing that would give your game a huge kick is some nice story premise! :)
I did not know what I was or what I was there for so I sadly had no clue what the game was about.
Summary: I liked the game, it had cool art and some art pieces were really great I think! I died many times on the first puzzle (gap on ground) so I'd add some instructions for player. I was not sure about the color-scheme (it needed some cohesion I think) or didn't understand it (could be just me). I hope this doesn't sound too harsh cuz I like the prototype. And if this is your first game, you are absolutely on a great start! Keep up the good work!