Hey, thanks for the comment! We will be addressing some of the things you mentioned in a future "patch". After you beat the boss, the screen going black is a bug. There is supposed to be a short cutscene but the video player doesn't work seamlessly on web games, that will be fixed.
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Wow, thanks for the detailed comment! Glad you enjoyed the game. As I said in other comments, the game is not polished and finished completely due to the lack of time, so pretty much all critiques are valid. But I'll also comment on some specifics you mentioned:
The left side of the room was indeed supposed to be cleared without the ghost xd. We made the second room hard intentionally because, well, lack of content otherwise lol. That would probably not be the balance in the final version of the game. Also, the ghost just has unintended interactions so you can basically skip 2 rooms with it (which I actually find pretty funny and interesting).
As for the boss, we wanted to make something different. So instead of you killing the boss directly, here the boss has stamina just like the player. And since the boss wants to stop you from progressing further, he uses his skills and thus uses stamina. Now when he expends all of his stamina, he can't do anything to you anymore and thus dies. So the main goal was to basically survive until he is out of stamina. You can however use your abilities still to help you. The explosion can do 2 damage (stamina) to him, and you can use the dash to dodge his attacks (especially in later phases). Of course, this system would be further developed and polished had we had the time to do it.
As for the "zero guidance" approach in the game, since we didn't have time to finish everything, we chose to have the most minimal UI possible. The entire UI is just your stamina bar and boss stamina bar. Ideally, there should be some help telling you how to interact with items when you first encounter interactable items and how to use your abilities when you unlock them. Also for the dash, yes, I should have coded it so that it doesn't interrupt unless you specifically press the opposite direction of the direction you are dashing, that was a mistake on my part but one which would later be easily fixed.
Also for the running out of stamina part, we did plan on having stamina refills throughout the levels as a sort of checkpoint, but since the levels were so small, in the end, we just added a respawn button lol, which sort of fixes this issue.
Once again, thanks for your nice comment, we really appreciate it!
Thanks for the nice words and the in-depth review! I agree that the whole game is, in its current form, rather unintuitive and unfinished. That just comes down to us not having the time to polish everything. Initially 10 levels were supposed to happen, we ended up settling for 6. Also the ghost is sort of busted and you can really easily cheese 2 levels with it. However, you don't need ghost to finish entire left side, you can do it just with explosion. Also the shadow knockback was supposed to be used in a few puzzles but we also didnt have time to implement those fully.
As for the boss, he definitely is clunky, but i am happy with how he turned out, seeing as we didnt get much sleep those last few days of the jam lol. And yes, he might be a bit overpowered right now, but at least that gives the game some game time xd. However, he is beatable and i noticed that the more i tried to beat him the better i got at it. So he isn't just RNG and is somewhat fair (not completely fair ofc). Also afert you beat him, a cutscene is supposed to play, but since it was my first time adding a video to a game, i didn't know that for web games its a bit different, and so the cutacene currently doesn't work.
And ofc adding UX features (telling player what they unlocked...) is yet to be implemented.
Thanks for the comment! I agree with you on pretty much everything you mentioned. The backtracking is annoying, but it is in the game because we initially planned to have multiple exits from one room, and you could unlock dirrerent ones when you got different skills and so on. Without all that, its just a hassle.
As for the boss, he definitely isn't 100% polished. I personally managed to beat him after a couple of hours or so (so it should at least be possible). The whole point of boss combat is a bit different than in other games. He is trying to kill you using his abilities, but just like the player he needs stamina for that. So each ability costs him stamina. You basically need to survive that and you can use your own abilities to help you. The explosion just speeds up the fight a bit. Although running from the boss seems easy in theory, its actually really hard to pull off.
In general, there is still a bunch of polishing left to do, this is just a rough sketch that we had the time to implement.
Hey, thanks for the nice comment! Yea, unfortunately, we didn't really have time in the end to explain everything in-game to players.
For the shadow levels, you basically use dash to get over the black pits, and you use shadow to go through walls and activate levers.
For the explosion levels, you have to kill all enemies and turn on the levers for the doors to open. This can be done either with explosions or by using the turret lasers. You can also cheese these levels by getting the ghost ability first. We didn't have time to balance everything out so there are a lot of cheese tactics possible.
After that, there is a boss level that is really fun and challenging. Hope you give it another try and beat that boss.