Thanks for playing and the insightful feedback! Really gave us a lot to think about for potential newer builds...
Our team worked on the game for brief spurts of time so we didn't really use the whole month unfortunately so some shortcoming like the UI for some of the menus was done on the very LAST day XD
It's meant to be slow on terrain due to friction but the slower planet gravity feel does need a bunch of anticipation and I get why it doesn't seem to feel as snappy and we'll definitely see if we can toggle the pacing on later builds if we do so.
Collision boxes were most certainly not the size of the sprites for most game objects XD you caught us red handed and that's something that makes it too hard as we see more playtests so that's a very good thing you pointed out that we'll fix indeed!
Thank you for playing yet again and yes the asteroids damage the boss on phase 1 and on phase 2 the boss can only be damaged via using and consuming the SUPER DASH token!
it is possible to beat but very tricky for new players.