I really liked the freedom that the spell system gave me, it was fun to try and mix and match all of the different spells and they were relatively cheap so I was able to try most of them.
The boss design was also pretty varied. I liked that they had environments that matched the art of the boss. Although the player character almost felt as if the style of player was different than the rest of the game. Very Realm of the Mad God-esque which is charming.
I liked the attack patterns of all the bosses quite a bit. The projectile attack patterns of the first boss were especially fun to dodge. I ran into a few issues with the kraken boss, mostly due to the fact that the tentacle arm movement collider stayed on the map even after the arm disappears when the squid submerges. But it was really satisfying to trivialize the crabs with the continuous laser.
Charming little game, if it had a little bit more polish, I could see myself playing this for hours.