Overall it's a great game!
I'm having a bit of technical issues few times when trying the game but don't mind it as it solely my own fault.
I like the gameplay because you seem having fun or hope you do when making it, the game feels really personalized, I can't say much about the difficulty because I'm pretty much not average person or so the others keep telling me.
I'm fine with gambli- I mean gacha weapon as I'm the type that like use anything I got in my hand but of course I'm not mastered all the weapon yes, especially the weapon like TNT, hammer, etc. so I have been treated weapon I'm not familiar with like a dud, but again don't mind me I'm just probably having a skill issue.
The visual is probably great because I come from a distant land and not know much about cuphead but the art style kind of reminds me of Disney Mikey Mouse to be fair, btw I knew Mikey not from its animation or movie but from a Game called Kingdom Heart btw.
The sound is fine but I usually use earphones when playing game so I think it's good idea to toned it down a bit, but again that's just me, idk about others.
That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.