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Perang Cemen

A member registered May 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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It's a well themed and great idle game!

I'm not hating these kind of game, in fact I like the gameplay pretty much but I would be lying to myself if I said it's a great boss rush game as yeah... this game are great on its own but maybe don't fit for boss rush thingy but that's just my own opinion, no offense.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty simple and fun to grind your character and getting stronger but I immediately stop myself before getting too addicted.

I don't really have anything to say as idk if this game can be made challenging or not, so I'll just stop here.

That's all I guess, if I said something wrong or missed something, let me know.

I'm sorry I didn't really read the story because I kind of rushing this as I have another one need to be played, I'll read it properly when I had time, hope for your understanding.

Thanks for trying my game!

It's pretty great game!

The game play are pretty challenging but I felt it's kind of unfair for some bosses who can does a direct attack without spinning or did I encountered glitch? accidentally clicked? or it's really made that way like Spider Boss beam attack, or those oil mancer something fire ball, there's no spin mechanism to reduce damage which is why I struggling like a lot as I waste turns for heal and incase I missed I obviously will died.

All bosses are ridiculously hard but doable only if you had decent reflexes and manage to click on time to stack damage, I died like dozen time until I managed to grasp the correct timing but sometimes I missed too as well.

I didn't get any thropy or whatever after all that struggle, all I got is this:

Anyway that's all I can say, if I said something wrong or missed something, let me know.

Nice work! (I guess...?)

Visually it's great! (but I can't say so for the gameplay)

Idk is it a bug but the yellow bar decrease when you used any attack excluding the basic attack, but when the yellow bar run out, you can't use only that laser/flamethrower attack but can still use everything else so it's kind of confusing what does it's purpose.

Next is maybe it's just me but the charging attack are too slow especially when the range isn't that great anyway and most of the enemy constantly moving so it's actually hard to hit them unless when they're idling which is happened after attack but they will immediately executing next attack so it's gamble unless they happened to be idling near the players.

Basic attack, gear throwing, and everything else like the boss difficulty are seems fine tho, that's all I can say.

If I said something wrong or missed something, let me know.

Thanks for trying my game!

Obviously I'll try yours too!

(After I done with these raws.guthubusercontent thingy)

It's great and pretty challenging game!

I don't know the difficulty curve but I felt the first boss, maybe it's not the boss as I'm fine with it has lot of HP whatsoever but it's minions was actually bugging me, the second was much easier, Idk if I missed it but I was expecting spinning attack because we play as a beyblade(or that what I call these things) especially against those minions, it would be felt great if we could just slice them all up with spinning attack sort of.

I also had a bit of trouble with camera or maybe I just don't know how to control it because it's felt a bit too zoomed, I know this's pretty much a fps but I sometimes overlooked the red AoE on the ground when I was aiming at the boss.

My antivirus actually quarantined your game, not because it has virus or anything, it's always happened when I download exe file so just a suggestion that you zip or rar the game file just in case someone clueless reports your game being virus, just saying.

That's all I guess? well if I said something wrong or missed something, let me know.

Haha, thanks for trying my game!

Obviously I check your out as well, don't worry about it.

Overall, nice work! 

I don't really know is it just me or one time glitch, but I felt like the hit box is bugged or maybe the hit box was actually bigger than the image?  I dunno.

Next is melee combat being so unforgiving, the range felt too short and if I tried to get closer, the boss will move a bit and touch me so yeah, I don't know how to use melee, maybe you can learn one or two from megaman zero, they also had a melee attack and touch damage but doable.

The bosses are pretty challenging especially when their HP run low and goes rampage, I died like a lot when it's happening as Healing Cooldown is quite long or maybe it was set that way for the difficulty or game balance or something.

Some of bosses attack are nonsense like a Tiger setting up a bear trap where it would make more sense if it was done by a gorilla but I'm fine with that, as for everything else are probably alright.

That's all I guess? Well, if I said something wrong or missed something, let me know.

They're GirlMon, not Pokemon because you can't put them in the pocket, but you are right, the gameplay includes pokemon mechanics if they were made an action game, probably...

Also if you're confused, I already put a guide in the game page as am i aware I didn't include tutorial, as for the wallpaper was just for fun.

Anyway, thanks for trying my game!

Alright, it's pretty fun arcade shooting game!

This is a secret but I was actually confused your game with someone else game because the name and the genre are being similar, I already rate your game so don't tell anyone else about it.

I don't have anything to add as I'm not experts on arcade shooting, I haven't even beat something like Gradius so I can't say much.

The game use the theme well, visual end everything else seems alright so that's it.

That's all I guess, if I missed something or saying something wrong, let me know.

You probably didn't buy Whirlwind Slash or Chaos Sword, Whirlwind Slash is spinning attacks while Chaos Sword is throwing the Spinning Sword, also when using Sword Pierce/Chaos Sword the player can do a short spinning attack until the Sword returned back.

You probably also didn't see the game page as everything were described there from control, skill, mechanics, basically the whole gameplay because I'm fully aware I couldn't make the tutorial because there's not much time left.

Additionally all bosses has a Spinning attacks so there's no way you missed them unless you got instantly killed by first boss.

Anyway thanks for trying my game!

I don't really know what went wrong especially if you use other OS and run my game in emulator but if you run my game in windows then check your keyboard for errors especially arrow keys or number keys in case your keyboard NumLock was on.

Additionally you can use gamepad but you have to configure it manually by pressing F1 in game.

Nice Work!

Tbh I'm having a little technical issues running it in browser but that's probably only me as I used to seeing these when I running godot games on browser, I used Firefox btw.

Luckily it has downloadable version so I'm good.

I don't really know what to add as the bosses are pretty challenging but doable, probably? as I'm having a skill issue with the second boss whose very ruthless but that's just probably me.

The game fits the theme and everything else are fine as well.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

I know about the tutorial, I really overestimated myself and trying to put way too many things that I run out of time and couldn't finish it properly.

Anyway thanks for trying my game!

I don't know what you consume when you made this- cough-cough I mean great works, it's feels like usual space shooting arcade games just that it's spinning around the area instead going straight, also idk how to fight the bosses that shoot lazer, it's always hit me and idk how to avoid it as it happen instantly or so for me, so I give up on that boss.

Also this is just my suggestion but I recommend you to put something like Loud Sounds and Flashing Lights Warning somewhere just saying.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

That's fine, this is my first jam, I never joined one before because most of them only last like 3~7 days which is impossible for me to compile the running prototype.

With zero experience obviously I don't even know what I'm doing and give it a go when I saw this jam last for month.

Anyway thanks for the feedback, I'll use it for the future reference.

It was a great game, pretty enjoyable thought I couldn't really beat all the bosses, I usually tried to defeat all the bosses but I'll give up if I couldn't do it, let's not forcing things if it doesn't work.

I'm confident with my reflexes or mashing the button but spinning mouse is really new to me, a fun mechanics tho, also it's just probably me but maybe you can speed up character base movement speed a bit or you intentionally made the character slow to make it challenging?

Either way nice work!

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

I'm sorry I know I should make a tutorial but I'm really struggling with the time, I even missed one boss because there's really not much time left so I put the game instructions on the game page which explains game mechanics like how to attack, parry, dash, skills, basically everything.

As for the control, my game support a generic gamepad but you will have to configure the button manually if my keyboard control isn't to your liking.

Oh well thanks for trying my game and the feedback too!

For game being having so much ability is due to my passion, I always wanted to make a game which give player a freedom so they can have their own playstyle which makes them unique.

Regarding tutorial I don't have much time and you're right, I should have prepared a instant build but again making all of these are pretty time consuming so I kind of not having enough time for it.

As for QTE events like clashing, it's triggered whenever the player and the boss attack timing were matching, as for QTE speed... I intentionally made it fast but doable which giving player a sense of urgency, but I do giving them a time to prepare or anticipated with those animation do I?

Anyway thanks for trying my game and the feedback as well!

It's probably a fun game.

I can't say much about gameplay as I'm kind of having skill issue with FPS or 3D shooting games which requires precise aim especially if my character have to constantly moving.

I don't know much about the difficulties but I'm pretty sure you need to give a signal for the boss attacks especially if it's instant long range attacks like that water beam, it can be like charging animation or warning signs so player can anticipated or maybe it's just me having a skill issue and couldn't read the timing perfectly, my bad then.

Again, I can't really say much about this game so that's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

Overall it's a great game!

I'm having a bit of technical issues few times when trying the game but don't mind it as it solely my own fault.

I like the gameplay because you seem having fun or hope you do when making it, the game feels really personalized, I can't say much about the difficulty because I'm pretty much not average person or so the others keep telling me.

I'm fine with gambli- I mean gacha weapon as I'm the type that like use anything I got in my hand but of course I'm not mastered all the weapon yes, especially the weapon like TNT, hammer, etc. so I have been treated weapon I'm not familiar with like a dud, but again don't mind me I'm just probably having a skill issue.

The visual is probably great because I come from a distant land and not know much about cuphead but the art style kind of reminds me of Disney Mikey Mouse to be fair, btw I knew Mikey not from its animation or movie but from a Game called Kingdom Heart btw.

The sound is fine but I usually use earphones when playing game so I think it's good idea to toned it down a bit, but again that's just me, idk about others.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

I don't know whether you check my game page or not but yeah I didn't make tutorial because the time limit is pretty tight, my game has like 16 skills if we total them all its actually 46 (if we included style moves as well) making tutorial about them are likely took a week and again I don't have the time, I even missed one boss.

But of course I aware about that and leave a guide or instructions on the game page about how to distribute the stats, explaining all skills description, game mechanics like special attacks, Crystal Support, and many more, I actually planned to put these too in the game folder in case someone missed it but the upload is already locked.

Anyway thanks for giving my game a try!

As for the tips, if you felt like the first boss movement speed is too fast then try to use Earthquake skill, it will messed the field but it's also slowing the boss down, and look for the Crystal as it can heal your HP/MP or provide buff, they randomly appears on the field but does not vanish until you get them, they also reappear in like around 10 second(you will hear a sparkling SFX whenever they appear), it's sounds cowardly but feel free to stalling when you're in a pinch.

For the second boss... Freezing her with IceDozer work wonder but she sometimes can counter IceDozer so I suggest to build up Stylish Meter to Savage and spam her with Ice Fang(Special Version of IceDozer), the freezing time increases due to a location and weather being either snow or snowstorm but of course your freezing time is also increases so avoid or parry her Ice Lances otherwise you will be the one going down.

Once you beat the 1st and 2nd you are already a skilled so there's no tips for 3rd and the last boss.

I don't know whether you check my game page or not and yeah I didn't made the tutorial due to a time limit but I do put the instruction on the game page, it listed all skills, as well as how to use parry, warp(blink), special attacks, and explains many more game mechanic like hiding in the underground, freezeing the boss, etc.

Anyway thanks for the try!

Haha, thanks!

This is a great game!

It's pretty challenging, I even died and restarted few times until I get used to the bosses attacks, especially when their HP getting lower they become more fierce!

Idk if it's just me but when I died the boss hp and the player are not refreshing and carried over, no not the actual HP but only the graphic, the actual HP remain as is, obviously it's updated right away when taking damage.

Oh, right... I don't know if I'm cheating or not but I abuse Air Dodge on 2nd boss like a lot (I also did on 3rd but not as often as I did on 2nd), there's no mention about whether player can Dodge while in the Air at the tutorial so I'm not really sure if it's a legal move.

There's nothing I can add I guess? anyway Nice Work!

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

I lost for words seriously...

Idk if it's just me but the intro text didn't scroll or stopped (not scrolling at all) unless I hold space, it's say hold space to scroll faster but it's very slow to me or maybe it's just my pc acting up.

*Extremely recommended to have a skip button in case there's someone impatient like me playing your game.

Next is idk if it's just me again but I kind like being held hostage on the title screen, the control seem off or maybe it's just me having a skill issue, and yeah I stand no chance against the first boss, I can't even tell am I taking a damage or dashing, I'm really confused on how to play this seriously.

Everything else like music, etc. are fine I guess...

That's all I can say, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

It's a great game, I'm not sure if it's challenging because I just beat the bosses just fine but maybe it's pretty challenging for others not to mention there's many bosses too to beat too!

I think it's cool that you can counter the enemies attack back at them but I had a problem with checking the attack cooldown, I know I can check it based on the spin but I absolutely can't tell the exact number of my attack and that's the problem as that's the only mean of defense as well, I mean if knew the exact number I would have do all out attack while keeping the last attack as an insurance in a pinch.

I play safe by only doing attack once in a while as there's no dash, roll, or whatever, only that shackles attack and spin, I don't really use spin at all since it tend to miss/didn't hit the projectile not to mention the aim is also off too and consuming spin energy as well.

*Just a suggestion, maybe you can put an indicator which inform player about how much attack they had left or maybe you like to keep it vague and let the players to guess or keep track themselves? that's fine too I guess...

*Another opinion of mine, maybe you could put a detail on the arts, I also put faceless character on my game thumbnail but I properly give them face on the actual game or maybe you can put a shadow to cover her eyes if you want to make her anonymous type.

This one is just probably me, idk if it's a bug or there's really only one boss battle bgm in the game, anyway I'll just be honest that I was yawning after hearing the boss bgm over and over.

*I'm pretty sure it would be a great idea for each stages to have their own bgm or even better for each bosses has their own bgm.

Oh yeah, I wish I could take a year long break too...

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

It's probably decent game, I can't be sure because I'm probably having a skill issue.

Everything seems alright at early until the big ships appear, the bigger one does a cannon attacks while the smaller does a charging attack, I probably have no problem if I were fighting them one on one but two at same time not to mention I have to constantly evade the random rubbish or logs that constantly appears and anticipated incoming whirlpool while at it are no joke.

My biggest problem are obviously the Aim, I know the cannon aimed at the boss automatically but for me it's always off since I was forced to constantly move to avoid the logs or I guess my aim just suck.

*Just a suggestion, if you don't want to give player a target lock then at least let them to aim manually with mouse or something as this game current aim are doable but it's feels janky, also giving player ship a boost like a dash or something if you're planning to have boss who does a ramming attack so the player has a chance to defend themselves.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

It's probably a great game, I can't be sure because I'm not much of an FPS player, but again... idk if we can call this a FPS game because it's feels more like fighting one.

I'm actually having a skill issues with the control because, I have to constantly moving while holding LMB while directing the camera and pressing dash with my pinky finger which timing is always off because I never used my pinky finger to play games, so yeah it's just probably me who suck.

I also tried to jump by using my thumb on space key but it's ruined my hand balance so I kind loss some pressing power on my Mid, Index, and Ring finger whenever I jump so it's feel like I didn't moving much when jumping and still getting shot by the boss, again it's just probably me because I usually only use three fingers on each hand when playing games.

After a few tries I managed to defeat the first boss (not the unmoving tutorial one) because both of boss and player does a range attack so I can call it a fair fight but a second boss are really not my cup of tea.

The second boss seems come from a fighting game or something and you know the results, the second boss always target lock me + it's movement speed are seems to be faster than the player to the point I can't outrun it even after spamming dash as if the boss can teleport, I stand no chance so I give up.

*Just a suggestion, I think you should make your camera view point similar to something like Resident Evil 4 to minimize the blindsides, I found it hard to evade the second boss because that thing constantly enter my blindsides, if your game is just about shooting each other then normal first person view are fine because you can see the incoming attack from the front but I don't think that's the case if the boss suddenly goes melee and expecting player to constantly swing their mouse around nonstop to lock on boss which constantly charging at them doesn't sound right.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

The game are well made but that's all I can say.

I'd lying if I said the game was challenging because it's pretty easy for me since the boss doesn't have any complex attack pattern, but that's good if these are meant for the beginner bosses as a warm up.

*Who knows you plan to make a 5 or 6 bosses and trying to make easy ones to go first and harder ones for later but couldn't make it in time due to jam being only for a month.

I see lots of game trying really hard to put "Spin" theme on their games even it's looks nonsense, but in this game I barely felt the theme other than the second boss idle spinning animation I guess?

*Just saying, you probably can make a star shaped for bullets and made it spins when it moves, or maybe include spinning meteors, etc. to make a game felt the theme more.

I don't know if it's just me or are you intentionally made it that way but the window pop up for the first boss are covered by boss hp gauge while it's fine on second boss.

Also, it's definitely only me, I found building a tower of projectiles are more fun than fighting the bosses, I'm sorry for not enjoying your game properly and being an oddball.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

The game are well made and interesting, it's just probably me but I'm having a lag problem, I didn't know the game minimum requirement like RAM or CPU so the fault are solely belong to mine.

The bosses are pretty cool but the second boss annoy me to no end, don't mind me, I'm just having a skill issues because I usually play action game without CD for movement moves like dash, jump, etc. or at least they usually give me a stack like I can roll 3 time in a row and it's refill the stack when not used or something like that.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

This game is great!

The visual is pretty cool, sound, theme, etc. everything are perfectly fine!

However here's my opinion: 

I don't have any trouble with the difficulties, the boss isn't that hard anyway, I already memorized her attack pattern after a few tries, what's makes this game seem hard are something else entirely.

First it's just probably me, but I never ever used my pinky finger to push a button, which is why it felt too awkward for me to press Left Shift with my pinky finger to dodge, usually movement and action button were placed in a separately like WASD for move and HJK for attack dodge etc. it's done that way so both hand can focus on their respective roles.

Of course there's an action button near the movement button in the console controllers like L1/L2 but you know that's because only one finger are focused for a movement so there's free finger which can be focused on something else like additional action but on keyboard WASD you need 3 finger to standby on it.

*For improvement, you can add an option which allows player to configure the control, most of game usually had this feature but um yeah you probably didn't have enough time for it due to jam being just a month.

Now I'll move to the right hand, Attack and Rapid Attack work just fine, what don't sit well with me is camera, I need to swing my mouse around whenever the boss jump to my blindside, and you know that the boss not gonna wait me to set my camera and ruthlessly attack me, so I have to run away every time she jump behind me to gain a distance and set my camera which is pointless because her shockwave attack will catch me in no time LoL.

*For improvement, you can have camera to lock on boss, or you set a button like Q or E to make the player quickly rotate 180° or 90° to left/right, that's your choice or maybe you just want to keep the camera that way to increase the difficulty? well that's fine too I guess.

Before we continue, here's my gameplay experience:

1st try, I'm having a skill issue because I had no idea what the control is, I thought the Space/Shift Key was attack since it was what shown in the menu, so yeah I died in the most pathetic way you can imagine, to avoid any slander, I did looking the game page but there's no mention of Control, there no ReadMe.txt in the game folder either which is why I thought there will be some sort of tutorial but I was greeted by the boss right away.

2nd try, I found the control and it's located in the Option, I don't know about others but the first thing I do on a new game is selecting Game Start, the only times I opened the Option first before Starting Game is either because the Sound is too loud for no reason or the game screen is too bright/dark, anyway I know the control now but I'm still dying because my dodge timing are very off due to my pinky finger did sync pretty well.

3rd try, Since I can't dodge anyway, I tried to do a battle of attrition and obviously I was defeated again because I died from just around 4 hit I think? while the boss HP like 200% something LoL.

4th try, I realized rapid attack are useless for me as the boss alwy counter me right away with a whirlwind kick or something.

5th try, I don't use rapid attack or dodge at this point but the boss still beat me with shockwave when I was trying to gain some distance to fix my camera.

6th try, I'm furious so I just trying to move around without attacking the boss and analyze her attack pattern behavior, I took all of her attack from Close distance, Mid distance, and Long distance, then died.

7th try, I brought her down on her knees with just basic attack, and movement without moving camera, that's it.

After that I was getting ready for the next battle but... Nothing Happens, I already walked around the map and I didn't find anything else so I don't know is it bug or this game only has this one boss.

*I can't really say anything about the gameplay because I probably played it wrong way, I didn't use dodge or perfect dodge, rapid attack, or attack window something but at least I'm sure that instructions for game like controls, or how to play are needed like you can put it in your game page or in a ReadMe.txt or at least make a tutorial in game which explains how to play to avoid first blood in vain.

Anyway I can't really say this is a boss rush because... I just encountered one boss unless I missed something, then again... I know making 3D model might time consuming, not to mention animating them so I guess it can't be helped.

*Actually I had few improvement in mind like parry, special attacks, weaponry, and other stuffs, but I think you can figure something like that yourself.

Oh well, don't take my words to the heart, instead use it to improve your game making skills, who knows someday you can make a game like Metal Gear Solid or something.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

Also your game hold my cursor hostage and I can't open Screen Capture so I ended up using my phone camera, I know there's a short cut for it but I forgot and too lazy to look for it.

Haha, thank you for trying my game!

I hope you're having fun!

It's perfectly use the theme but I can't really say it's a great game to be honest, I didn't said it's bad either but... just my opinion...

It's would be great if you can fix the UI, it's not very messy but how do I explained it? it's feels like out of place, or maybe it was just my monitor acting up or my screen resolution didn't match? in my case there are text over text or a boss preview image that got sliced by green line which I assume as a border, it's also applies to the squad screen as well.

Next is regarding control, if you assigned left hand to WASD for movement and right hand to mouse for building a spin then for dash I have to press Left Shift with my pinky finger which is very awkward of course I can let go the mouse and press Right Shift for dash but I'll lose some of my spin speed doing so.

*For improvement, you can either make a Dash for Right Click, or making spinning to be automatically, or you can assign other key for Building up Spin as well dash next to it so both hand can focus on their respective role, there are other alternative you can pick, it's up to you.

Next is regarding gameplay, actually there's nothing wrong with the game, it's great game like you mix spinners or beyblade with those bombs and all but...

Maybe it's just me but I felt like the base movement speed is very slow, I even spend 5 perk on speed but it's still too slow for me, also having many types of weapon along with effect are pretty cool but if all the weapon does is same spinning attack with just extra effect on it like more damage, stun, etc. then it will probably get boring too quickly.

*For improvement, I won't say anything about the movement speed, maybe you intentionally made it slow so it's challenging or something, but for weapon, I think it will be pretty cool if you add some extra effect like thunder weapon sometimes shot out a thunder bolt when spinning certain times, or some weapon range increases when spinning too fast, or you can add a energy gauge for special attack, well.... there's a lot you can do to make the game more interesting, it's up to you to unleash the hidden potential in your game or not.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

Good Job! It's a great game! 

Gameplay, visual, technically everything seems Ok!

There's doesn't seem to be anything wrong but if you do wish to hear my personal opinion:

Random Boss are fine, yeah I know you might set it that way so people won't get bored with same line up but for the first run or first encore, I suggested that there's a fixed boss line up because you include the upgrade and weapon here.

Some people might struggle with starting weapon if they faced a pretty challenging bosses, you made the bosses yourself so I'm sure you aware that all bosses are not equally hard, there are bosses that pretty easy especially with the right weapons while other can be pretty annoying.

Which is why I suggested to put easy bosses first to allow the player to grow in hope they can reach the last boss.

There are three bosses that I managed to get perfect bonus but that's only happened after or when I got the right weapon, also I kind of focused on one/two weapon I am familiar with so I have been upgrading only that and for some reason my weapon always stuck on LV3, idk is it bug or upper limit anyway I write this up based on my experience playing as Valerie and managed to reach encore 6, the last boss took my fav weapon so I was struggling on the first and second boss of that encore and loosing too much HP and yeah idk but the HP recovery after battle seems getting lower each encore or is it just me? I didn't keep track my HP because I'm too focused to look at the boss attack pattern after all.

I tried the other two but I'm not very good at using them, or rather I'm used with double jump for evade because it's versatile as you can chase moving bosses quickly or remain in the air longer to avoid danger on the ground while that's not the case for warp or double dash, oh well warp and double dash is just not my cup of tea that's it.

That's all I guess, if I write something wrong or missed something, let me know.

Also I'd love to hear your opinion about my game if you don't mind~

Haha, thank you for trying.

Also if you don't mind, let me know which is the boss that's too difficult for the sake of improvement, you can DM me if you seek privacy but you can also not telling me at all, I won't pry.

Anyway thanks again for your time.

Bond Level Up: When a character bond exp reach the limit and the MC talk to them during Lone Wolf Mode a certain event will occur as well as bond level risen along with new cap, if nothing happen despite meeting condition above then... it's just the location are not right (try again at other city).

Note: At some level (probably 3~4 and 4~5), a certain key item might be needed for a certain character event to occur.

Lone Wolf Mode: Go to INN and talk to INN keep, she will say "Would you like to stay?" answer "Yes" and then when the INN keep ask again "Do you want to rest now?" answer "No" doing this will result party members exclude the MC will leave the party and go to anywhere they like around the town.

Side Note: 

*MC can't leave the town during Lone Wolf Mode, go back to INN and say "Yes" to rest, aftet that everyone will rejoin the party.

*There are multiple way to boost Bond Exp, such as Affection state gained after rest at INN however it's random.

Me too, got the same issue, all image include the old one and can't upload too.