Cool take on the theme, this was a pretty fun playthrough, nice job team!! The "beyblade", boss, and environment models are simple but charming and have a cohesive/consistent style throughout that make for a nice overall aesthetic. I thought the boss designs were pretty neat looking and it was a nice touch to have the beyblade controlling them as mechs in the boss intro cutscenes. The boss attack patterns have a great amount of diversity and I really enjoyed figuring out how to best handle each attack pattern. The boss attack mechanics are well-designed. Making the spin meter equal your health bar was an interesting idea and I loved how the player spin animaiton speed changed to reflect it. I really didn't like that shooting decreased my spin/health meter, as it made me stop doing the fun thing of fighting the boss in order to run around the map and fight a spin station that wasn't destroyed just to sit there and recharge (which wasn't nearly as fun). Maybe landing accurate shots on the boss should slightly increase your spin amount, while missing shots decreases it, so that you are rewarded for landing shots and cant just spam shoot the whole time. Overall, this was a pretty fun experience with a unique take on the spin theme and some pretty epic boss fights. Great entry y'all!!!