wooooh fun ass game nice job dev!! Controls and central game mechanic are perfect for a jam, simple to figure out, difficult to master, and fun as hell to experiment with. There's a very nice amount of depth in the gameplay with just 2 buttons. The game can be very difficult (i died 42 times in my playthrough) but it felt worthwhile to push through the pain to beat the game. Hitting a well-timed bank shot during the slow mo portion of one of the blue dots while you are being closed down by multiple enemy lasers is peak gaming. The instant restart and checkpoint system help ease the suffering of dying constantly. The game could feel a bit too punishing at times, but I think for a game like this a higher difficulty is not at all a bad thing. Your take on the theme is pretty interesting and I enjoyed your unique approach to a boss rush by adding a bit of "platforming". Your use of color provides great contrast for things that need it (boss bullets, boss weak point, etc) and the controls are perfect for the game. Really impressive entry, great work!!