Cool, it's really unexpected that the third boss is the level itself. Maybe it will be easier if the player has more than one live. It's fun, simple yet challenging, nice works!
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Space Misadventure's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Player spins around specific game objects; bosses spin
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Art yes, music no
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Well designed, the mechanics are taught in an intuitive way and the combat is challenging while still satisfying. Good job!
I really like the mechanics in this one, the minimalistic graphics match so well the experience, also the way it plays feel natural after a little while so its all good, the music is great too, well done!! I rate graphics, music, control, fun at most but all is great, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!
I know you didn't make the music but that tune is so good.
The game itself is really fun, the controls are a bit hard to get used to but it's definitely fun when it starts making sense.
Good job!
Lovely game! I really like the movement and attacking systems you have going! it took me a second to get the hang of but I really enjoyed what I played
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it if you could rate and give me some feedback on my game! This is my first jam, and I'd love to see where I can improve for the future!)
I love this game, you have one simple mechanic and polished it! Having subtle tutorials in the background WITH VIDEO is really great for teaching a player quickly without spending much time on a tutorial. Time slowing down when you can make a second jump is a really great choice to let the player aim their new jump but still need to act quickly.
I found the game to be pretty challenging at first, especially dodging the attacks from the two second bosses, but I got used to it after a bit and using the right click to dodge.
Awesome job!
wooooh fun ass game nice job dev!! Controls and central game mechanic are perfect for a jam, simple to figure out, difficult to master, and fun as hell to experiment with. There's a very nice amount of depth in the gameplay with just 2 buttons. The game can be very difficult (i died 42 times in my playthrough) but it felt worthwhile to push through the pain to beat the game. Hitting a well-timed bank shot during the slow mo portion of one of the blue dots while you are being closed down by multiple enemy lasers is peak gaming. The instant restart and checkpoint system help ease the suffering of dying constantly. The game could feel a bit too punishing at times, but I think for a game like this a higher difficulty is not at all a bad thing. Your take on the theme is pretty interesting and I enjoyed your unique approach to a boss rush by adding a bit of "platforming". Your use of color provides great contrast for things that need it (boss bullets, boss weak point, etc) and the controls are perfect for the game. Really impressive entry, great work!!
I LOVED THE IDEA OF THIS GAME! Really unique. I just thought that one life is a bit to harsh! Even with the button that drags you to the closest magnet, I felt that it was a bit hard... Also, maybe if you could add an button that changes the orientation when spinning could make a little bit easier? Anyways, I think the game is great, it is unique, and it is super fun! Congrats
Thank you for the review!
Yeah, perhaps I should have introduce some difficulty settings, but sadly didn't have too much time to do that.
In general in this case it can be a bit hard to balance, because when you get how everything works, then 3 or even 2 lives can make it too easy. So I decided to leave only 1 live (and then don't need to make system for lives :D), which may not be the best strat for game jam.
For magnets, spinning direction depends on the angle you came in the magnet orbit. So you can change direction if you bounce off the wall into magnet orbit with the angle you need.
I like the simplicity of the controls, which lead to more complex movement!
I have the feeling though sometimes the deflection angle of my player doesn't really fit, I flew against a wall with a nearly 90 degree angle but got defelcted way upwards, which was a little unpredictable for me.
But I really like the idea of this! Could be a cool mobile game too because of the simplicity of the input scheme.
Loved the mechanic and I'd like to see more game's like these. Actually the game itself can be easily turned into space golf or maybe a distribution game like interstellar pizza delivery where you need to enter and exit the orbit of the planets in order to reach the target galaxy without burning too much fuel or maybe your spaceship has a control of enabling and disabling the pull force of the planet in order to reach the target. Great idea.
The main mechanic feels very polished, I really like the approach of the gameplay, Slow and precise. I would have loved to play it on fullscreen tho. Very nice game overall!
I'm really in awe of your game's core mechanic, there's such a clear vision here and I really think you executed it brilliantly. It took a bit of getting used to but when I wrapped my head around this game's movement I just found it so addictive to play through. The bosses are perfectly designed to bring the most out of the mechanics too with the low boss health, one shot and you're dead balancing, the constant rotation, the need to be precise to damage them, and the slow telegraphed projectiles. Everything here just feels perfectly balanced. Absolutely brilliant job with this one
Very fun! I did get stuck a few times but very challenging game!
I beat it! Really nice take on the theme. Really nice design work throughout, the mechanics are simple and you really did a good job of having solid level/boss design to make sure the game kept throwing you new ideas until the very end. I really appreciate how I couldn't really get stuck bouncing between two parallel walls perpendicularly because of the slight angled velocity added to the player when they bounce between them in that manner. The tutorial was really well done as well. There are so many different things you must have considered when designing everything and I think it payed off really well. I had fun messing around with the movement as well, it felt really satisfying to maneuver around the levels!
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