Hey thanks so much for playing! Your words are very kind.
I'm really glad you enjoyed the gameplay and vibes :) For fullscreen it's handled through the web embed in the bottom right hand corner. I wasn't ever able to let it properly fullscreen in web for whatever reason through code or configuration. Something I need to brush up on for future game jams.
I'm going to have to get projectiles and crosshairs closer. Wondering if it's a dynamic thing I need to do. I'm going to need to figure out down the line how cool downs will work. I was tweaking them last minute because at first it didn't feel like they filled up fast enough based on play testing and feedback from friends. I think based on submission I've gone too far the other way. Or maybe cool-downs just need to cool-down faster at higher values. The orbital strike was last minute so I'm no surprised it's a bit wonky ITO of placement right now.
I'm excited to continue this project once I compile all my feedback and I get everything road mapped out.
Thank you again for playing and leaving feedback!