Solid game. The music is a banger, love the gunplay, the spin dodge is really neat, and the boss fights are really cool, everything is fast paced, it's quick, it's challenging. I only have a few suggestions:
- Have an indicator indicating where the boss is, because there is a lot of moving around the arena, I usually lose sight of the boss. You can also make it so that the camera zooms out so that both player and boss are in sight.
- The bosses could use some flash too, I see the player has a flash when it gets hit, I think having that for the bosses could help to visualize that you are dealing damage to them.
- I don't understand the panda boss, like more specifically that attack in which I get a circle that is on the player sprite that fills up and once filled it deals damage to me, but I can't see a way to shake it off other than getting the shield. There's no way to dodge it as far as I can see. I'd suggest making it so that once it fills up it holds in position a bit and strikes, so that the player can dodge it.
Besides that, this is a really good entry.