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A jam submission

WANTED: Bosses' BountyView game page

Submitted by Massivez — 4 hours, 10 minutes before the deadline
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WANTED: Bosses' Bounty's page

Game's Take on the Theme
The main gameplay mechanic is a spin/dash, which allows the player to become invulnerable for a short period of time to dodge attacks, and if performed with perfect timing, grants the player a spinning shield and a buff that lasts for a few seconds. Additionally, there are several spinning skills from bosses, especially the final boss.

Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, but I used a lot of assets as well, as required for developing the game alone. A large part of it was edited. The bosses are from assets, and the player is also based on assets but heavily modified. The VFX were also assets, and the tilesets were made from scratch, using a few preexisting elements that were modified. The music wasn't created during the jam, I bought the license.

If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Music: ; Assets bosses: ;; ; . VFX:

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Good Job!!


I really like the upgrade tree between rounds, made me feel a bit better when those bosses clobbered me :)


I like the classic arcade look and feel, its really fast paced and fun, the attacks from boss are varied and avoidable, so well made everything. I rate graphics, control, fun and music the most but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!


Really cool game, reminds me a lot of Enter The Gungeon.

The only thing i can say against it is that the text at the beginning is quite hard to read, but other than that the game is solid and a lot of fun.

 Good job!


This is so much fun! I love the use of the dodge to obtain temporary buffs. The art is clean and well done, and boss designs are exciting! Well done, congrats one a game well made!


These boss and music and visuals all complement each other very nicely. The gameplay felt fantastic and active and exactly what I'd want from this genre.


Solid game. The music is a banger, love the gunplay, the spin dodge is really neat, and the boss fights are really cool, everything is fast paced, it's quick, it's challenging. I only have a few suggestions:

- Have an indicator indicating where the boss is, because there is a lot of moving around the arena, I usually lose sight of the boss. You can also make it so that the camera zooms out so that both player and boss are in sight.

- The bosses could use some flash too, I see the player has a flash when it gets hit, I think having that for the bosses could help to visualize that you are dealing damage to them.

- I don't understand the panda boss, like more specifically that attack in which I get a circle that is on the player sprite that fills up and once filled it deals damage to me, but I can't see a way to shake it off other than getting the shield. There's no way to dodge it as far as I can see. I'd suggest making it so that once it fills up it holds in position a bit and strikes, so that the player can dodge it.

Besides that, this is a really good entry.


The idea of the indicator is really great, I’ll definitely implement it and work on improving the feedback for the boss receiving damage. As for the Panda skill, I really like it, and it’s the one that received the most compliments during playtesting. It’s also the skill I put the most effort into, with visual and audio cues for the player to react to. Just use the dash the moment it’s about to shoot the lightning, it’s not complicated, and it’s even possible to get a perfect dodge this way. Thank you so much for your patience, for playing, and for the feedback!


Yeah, the telegraph on that attack is really good. It's just that I thought there was no way to avoid it, now that I know I can avoid it then it's just skill issue on my end xD.

And no problem, the game is truly fun.


I like the fact that when I spin/dodge perfectly, it gives me two buffs (shield and attack speed), and it has a small progression tree! GG 🖤🌻 Beautiful art btw :D


I think boss hp is too high.


Hey, I’ve beaten all three bosses using a gamepad, and it was super engaging! The bosses’ attacks are dynamic and constantly keep you on the move, which is great.

I have a suggestion to consider: try positioning the camera between the player and the boss whenever possible. For example, with the first boss, I often lost sight of them during the fight.

Overall, fantastic work! Keep it up!


Thank you for the feedback, and I’m glad you used the controller to play, I think it’s more fun with the gamepad! I’ll definitely do something about losing sight of the boss. It was also suggested to add a small arrow on the edge of the screen showing the boss’s position, so I’ll probably try that suggestion first. Thank you!


The bosses are definitely the highlight which is fitting for a boss rush! I had a few small problems like the bosses had a lot of health when you start which is important because even the most unique bosses with the most interesting move sets become less interesting after you fight them for 5 minutes straight. Overall the game felt good and was fun!


This was fun. Liked the boss and the keyboard controls felt good. But i couldn't really shoot with my playstation controller. Also a feedback when the player is hit would've been useful.


Thank you for playing! I’m sorry the PlayStation controller didn’t work, I have no idea what the issue might be. I’ll ask a friend to test it and check if there’s a problem. Regarding the feedback on player receiving damage, I’ll research ways to improve that. It’s something many people have pointed out.


Fun game! Really liked the bosses


Excellent game and very well made! Very fun. The bosses feel very different from each other, each with unique abilities, and they also have great artistic designs! The landscapes are also amazing and complement the game's theme well.

The shooting and the dash feel really good when you control them.

It's a game with high difficulty; it's the Souls of this Jam in terms of difficulty for my taste :D hehehe, but that makes it even more interesting.

It was a great idea to be able to practice the character's abilities inside the house and then have to choose the boss on the wall.

Very addictive! I hope you can continue developing it. Have a Good day!!!!


The boss design is possibly the best I've seen in this jam yet. The attacks are varied, challenging, learnable, and an awesome spectacle. The art was really good, with the only thing that looked a little unfinished being the area that you enter/exit for each boss. Other than that, I think that it would have been nice if something happened at the end once you either killed all the bosses or maxed your upgrades, just to signify that the game is over (or possibly have a secret forth boss), however given the time constraint of jams, not having this is completely understandable. I'm being overly critical here, I really enjoyed this one. Keep up the great work!


Thank you so much for the feedback! It was my first jam, and I really focused too much on just making the boss fights. I should have added some kind of progression and completion for defeating the bosses.


A pretty cool game! And well-done boss battles. The spin/dash mechanic forces us to go toe-to-toe with attacks, which is great! But the bosses have lots and lots of HP. I got a bit tired of it in the long run.

Anyway, bravo!


A very interesting game! The boss attacks are really cool, and for someone like me who enjoys dodging, it feels right in my comfort zone. Plus, the fact that successfully dodging rewards you is a great touch! I ended up reaching level 4 after just one round, haha. Although the boss’s health bar is pretty long, the feeling of leveling up is really satisfying!


This was fun, I like the bosses and how you reward the player for risking a perfect dodge. One small critique I have is that the game could use more juice, like when you get hit have a noise play and maybe add a bit of screen shake. A little hitstop would fit the perfect dodge really well I think and would add a lot more oomph when pulling it off. It's a well made game though, and I enjoyed playing it :)


Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I added a sound effect when the player takes damage, but it’s a bit hard to notice during the battle. This was my first time editing, tweaking, and adding sound to a game, and I had a lot of trouble balancing it all. The first boss was a disaster with the number of explosions haha


One of the most fun to play games Ive seen so far in this jam... The upgrade system kept me interested and made me want to retry the bosses always a bit stronger until I killed them. I really liked the art style even though you used pre-existing assets. The bosses also felt fluid and I never felt like I died to some bs collision or anything like that. 


The timed dodging felt great to execute. Boss designs were amazing, I love the artist who made those bosses and what you guys were able to come up with them was incredibly fun and engaging. 

Great little game, well done!

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