Wooahhh this game is incredibly cool!!! All the art and animations are charmingly unique, it has its own charm and an intriguing artstyle, and the bossfights are hilarious! I had lots of fun defeating the various bosses, I liked that each one had a different strategy to be defeated, and the mechanics were explained well enough that I mostly knew from the start what to do. That said, there are still some things that I've noted during the playthrough:
- At the start of the first boss, I didn't know what to do exactly, I knew there were the bouncy things I could've used to accumulate speed but I didn't figure out you were supposed to use them to hit the brick until some time later (at first I thought you were supposed to kill the minions). I would've maybe firstly let the player explore the arena a bit, figure out you were supposed to hit the boss through bouncing, and then making the minions spawn so to not distract the player (this could be one of many solutions).
- The second boss's mechanic is perfectly explained, through putting the hazard right in front and letting the player see him being damaged. A nice touch, nothing to say! Great application of "show, don't tell".
- The third boss is a bit strange, as it doesn't require much skill to dodge incoming attacks rather than knowing where to position yourself in advance to hit the bag of money to deal damage. I kinda feel like she was the easiest to beat.
- The movement mechanics are fun, but often become unmanageable as the character accumulates momentum in certain conditions, and your only way of actual movement becomes the dash (intern mode). This is not really a criticism, more so an observation, because I feel that aspect could very much be elaborated further (as some of the funniest moments I had were when the character was speeding and bouncing everywhere out of control). But this also means that the character often cannot do precise movements.
I also really like how the dash mechanic was implemented, with the time slowing down and all. Maybe it could use a direction arrow that tells you the general direction of where you are going?
I hope these observations can be useful on improving this! Personally, I would really see this as a full release! :D