Ah, I see.
Well, at least now you are aware of it.
And knowing about a problem is the first step to solving it.
Yeah... I really prefer people trying to manipulate me over forcing me. ^_^
I'm very hard to manipulate, and I value the skill, so I'm more likely to admire them for managing than being pissed off about it. lol
I see the logic about them assigning you a number I guess.
Well, maybe it's me overreading Marquis de Sade, but sexual things doesn't bother me at all.
I saw a guy flashing me and some other guy in an ally once, and the only reaction I had was to hold back a surprised laughter.
(I didn't want to discourage the poor guy. I'm sure that took a lot of courage, but lol )
I TOTALLY agree with you about otome heroines!
I have to admit my favorite Heroine would be someone like Juliette in the book by the same name by de Sade.
Maybe they start out innocent, but they aren't held down by moral restraints and worry so much, and quickly becomes a villain when given the chance. That kind of thing.
It just resonates more with me because that's how I am.
It's too bad that you can't choose the personality of your mc yourself.
But I realize the coding for two or three different personality types might be hell.
(Or the writing might be.)
I love writing myself, but depending on word count, I can imagine it would be tricky.
My current stories only have 5000 words per chapter (well, some have 10k), and while I CAN write that in a day, I rarely do.
It would be a lot of work for a full game, what with all the non-writing tasks in addition and all, I imagine.
It's too bad, cuz I kinda liked the suicidal caller. lol
(Which is the only reason I was nice to him. Pretty sure I talked a few people -into- suicide. xD
I really should never work at a help-line. It would be....unhealthy for the general population.)
I think I ignored mostly everyone else.
I tend to laser-focus on the person I like, and ignore anyone I don't like.
And by and large there are not many people I like. Both in games and in real life.
(Tho I like more people in games than in real life.)
I didn't find anything at all I think. lol
I decided to rebel against everything and see if I could wait it out like a prison sentence, while screwing them over as much as possible.
As I said: I am -not- a good person to try and force into things.
And I am vengeful as all Hell too. In the rare cases someone manage to piss me off.
But it's on my to-do list.
I placed the game on the back-burner to try and solve the mystery in my next play-through.
I noticed a folder and figured out the code, but didn't bother to input it, I think.
I had a lot of fun giving people terrible advice tho. ^_^
(I count my successes the same way a demon does I think. lol)
Mh... I think it's really nice that your side quests is just that: SIDE quests.
I normally dislike puzzle games of all types. But if they are optional, I don't mind them so much since they can be skipped or solved as you please.
And it's always nice to be able to do the first play-trough with the uninterrupted story.
Then you can solve puzzles or investigate things when you come back to the game later.
It gives the game a replayable effect which is nice.
(Which is one benefit of multiple endings as well, especially if it changes the story and not just the ending; It makes it more fun to return to the game again and again. And you will be more happy to invest in a game that you can return to again and again and still see something new.)
Have you played games like Seraphim Slum?
I think the coding is probably pretty advanced (tho I am guessing here), but the type of games that changes with each play-trough is very interesting.
They can be frustrating as all Hell, because you can't really save even if there is a save option, since the game keep changing... but it can also be fun when done right --provided there is a reset button once you reach the very end of the game. (Or a file you can delete to reset it, like Doki Doki Litterature Club has.)
I figured as someone who loves game creation and wants to improve, you might find this interesting. ^_^