This is a very cool idea. Love the art style, love the creativity, love the level designs. It feels like there are a lot of potentials to this game! I'd say though the one thing that frustrates me is the agent is extremely clueless on where to go and where to stand. He just goes to the worst possible place and got shot immediately after, which I can do nothing about. It doesn't help with the fact that if I tried to sequence break just to avoid that death, the agent just don't know what to do, either standing in a strange place, shooting at a wall, or even stuck at a closed door. This really takes away the incentive to find creative solutions to each level, forcing me to brute force the solutions instead. Which I think is the most detrimental flaw the game currently has. Another minor one is that the constant zooming in and out makes me feel quite dizzy after playing for a while, and I wish that could be tone down a bit.
Apart for that, I do think this is a very solid idea and would turns out to be a very nice game! Good job!