The opening presentation was impressive.
You managed to make "basic prototype assets" that also have a lot of style and look to them. I am noting that for my Mental Hard Drive, but I am wondering how you did it, shaders or making the models or whatever?
The explaining the controls one by one in the level is optimally how games should teach things and you did a good job there. The letters for the buttons on the controller I didn't understand - looking down my PC game controller actually had letters, but I am used to the Playstation button prompts, so maybe additionally add those icons, or the icon with the 4 face button circles with one showing which to press, or just say "Left face button" also. Not a big deal but not something I usually have to worry about with finalized games, so would add some polish.
The animations seem to be very well done and the hitting the wall one is cute.
The movement does feel a bit clunky, which may be on purpose to add difficulty, but it rarely feels good to make basic movement itself difficult; usually the difficulty is in executing some sort of jump or killing something. When the character himself can't move well it just feels a bit frustrating. It's particularly egregious when there is a timelimit to do something. The movement while not walking is fine, but having to control while running and/or press run intermittently to steer the character correctly, it may be fine as a game design choice but personally didn't enjoy that too much, I like to feel "connected" to my character and not like I'm trying to steer him and he's not listening.
I got to the part with the wooden door planks and none of my trigger buttons on my controller worked for the right trigger prompt, so I gave up there sadly. I do have an off brand game controller for my pc since i rarely use it, but it is the playstation standard layout, so not sure why it didn't work. probably would be fixed by a key binding screen but that's a little advanced for a game jam.
but still, great presentation and i can tell you are a proper game designer with some experience.
Found this meme, what i would like is the top Left, or the center, and apparently I am not the only one. Kenny.NL (the free assets guy) has some of these in his UI or buttons pack or whatever. Nothing game-breaking for this one, but a nice to have for future stuff.