it does actually maintain axis through camera views! you can also just hold down the run button and let go of the joystick and the character will run in a straight line. it's mentioned a tutorial but the text is a little small i guess.
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Thank you for the input! If/when I can update I might try to change the control layout to something like the neutral option on that chart. Also- are you on linux? Someone else had a problem with the triggers as well.
The art was all about making something high impact while being efficient to make. Everything is unlit and just relies on interesting uses of shapes and patterns and room layouts, and trying to break up patterns if they draw too much attention.
wow! congrats on getting every achievement! i looked through the game code, found the error, and fixed it! the extra button really does just unlock that extra button tho.
by the way, if you use bandcamp i can send you a free code for the soundtrack! you can dm me on instagram if you want the code. i go by yatoimtop there too.